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该crunchy, tasty goodness of beansprouts因为他们都挤满了工厂可以是整体健康有益的不得了蛋白,contain no fat, and are very low in calories. They are helpful inweight loss,boosting bone,heart和肝脏健康,治疗脑部疾病,促进消化。豆芽也是​​不错的优化metabolism,平衡胆固醇水平,maintaining good eyesight, and having an抗氧化剂effect. These sprouts are rich in folates so they also benefit women’s health and prevent birth defects in children.


豆芽是由所有类型的咖啡豆,但两种主要类型在世界种子生产的来自绿豆soybeans绿豆是绿豆的学名,而大豆被称为大豆。Soybean sprouts are slightly larger than mung bean sprouts and have a yellowish tint, while mung bean sprouts may have a green edge to their color. These types of beans sprout and can be consumed within a week, offering a denser source of nutrients than the original bean.

虽然这些豆芽已经东亚的一部分,印度次大陆和Middle Eastern cuisine for thousands of years, they have only recently become popular in the rest of the world.


豆芽含有high level of蛋白,at an average of 5 grams per cup of these sprouts. According toUSDA,绿豆含有显著水平vitamin C维生素B6,they also containironriboflavinpantothenic acidniacin,thiamin,zinccalciumphosphorusmagnesium,和。这些微小的豆芽也有脂肪极低的水平,没有胆固醇, 和不saturated fat。膳食fiber内容优秀的- 超过2.5克每杯中,用其他复杂的低电平沿碳水化合物。Finally, the calorie count of these sprouts is quite low, providing no more than 65 calories per cup.


Bean sprouts have been traditional Chinese ingredients for a long history. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

该Complete Book of Enzyme Therapy”由安东尼·Cichoke结合萌生吃食品的额外营养价值。它们含有蛋白水解酶,这使得他们易于消化的蛋白质和碳水化合物。该sedigestive enzymesare readily available in sprouts instead of your body being forced to produce them. When your body doesn’t need to manufacture these enzymes, it可重点关注使得那些像断疾病战斗任务关键更重要的酶。它们还含有黄酮类化合物一样,酚酸和有机酸抗氧化剂。

Health Benefits of Bean Sprouts

该top benefits of bean sprouts include the following:


豆芽包含好量的维生素C,锌,和镁。根据卫生和医学科学,阿德莱德大学,澳大利亚的学院,所有这些营养成分的最新研究是必不可少的for balancing mood, relievinganxiety,并促进睡眠。此外,生物类黄酮呈现在他们之中also have stress-relieving qualities.


中央化学杂志,in a 2014 research, claims that beans sprouts like mung beans sprouts contain flavonoids that improve the immune function. Strong immunity will help fend off infections and keep you protected from many diseases.


美国临床营养学杂志已经一次又一次强调的重要性vitamin K在人类饮食。维生素K是需要血液凝固和抑制钙的血管中的积聚。豆芽中富含这种必需的维生素的来源,因此,它们有助于保持你的心脏健康。


该re is an impressively low number of calories found in bean sprouts, making them a healthy choice for a wide variety of meals, including sandwiches and salads. For people trying tolose weight,膳食纤维含量也将有助于避免暴饮暴食,刺激饱腹的感觉,这将在减肥的进一步援助。


Research has shown that the antioxidantlevelsof bean sprouts are actually higher than in the beans themselves, which means that these phenolic compounds can reduce free radical activity all over the body. Antioxidants can also help minimize the appearance of wrinkles and scars, clear up blemishes caused by oxidative stress, and improveskin弹性,让你看起来更年轻更长时间。

Improve Digestion

2。5 grams of dietary fiber in each cup of bean sprouts represents between 7 and 8.5% of the daily recommended intake for men and women, respectively. This can lead to more efficient digestion, as dietary fiber can help bulk up the stool and promote peristaltic motion. This will also relieve excess flatulence and bloating, as well as symptoms ofconstipationdiarrhea


B族维生素在豆芽中发现的范围是为那些谁想要提高他们的新陈代谢好消息。B族维生素涉及数百个过程中调节昼夜节律,激素,酶,和能量代谢的身体。所以确保你是不是缺乏核黄素,pantothenic acid,叶酸,烟酸,和维生素B1是一个非常好的主意!




维生素K是常常被忽视,但它在体内调节骨矿物质密度的关键作用,确保矿物质留在血液中的适当水平,这可以保护心脏健康和其他代谢功能。额外的矿物质,如和zinc, also help preventosteoporosis和build strong bones.


食品科学,西班牙研究所,表明豆芽含有足量folic acid,which can help expectant mothers avoid neural tube defects. The connection between this vitamin and this tragic condition is well researched, and folate supplements are often given to pregnant women. However, it is essential that you speak with your doctor before adding powerful new foods like bean sprouts to your pregnancy diet.

Increase WBC Count

这些谦逊豆芽含有的维生素C和一个显著量浓度increases after the bean germinates. This can help stimulate the production of white blood cells by your immune system, in addition to the antioxidant effects of vitamin C, which will help reduce oxidative stress and free radical activity throughout the body.

Balance Cholesterol Levels

美国临床营养学杂志has numerous studies that focus on the effects of dietary fiber on cholesterol levels. With no cholesterol content but a moderate amount of dietary fiber, regular consumption of properly prepared bean sprouts can help balance your cholesterol levels. Fiber scrapes excess cholesterol and reduces plaque in the arteries and blood vessels, thus lowering your risk of心血管events such as heart attacks and strokes.

Speed up Healing

Vitamin K and vitamin C both play a key role inhealing;维生素K是凝血的重要组成部分,这将有利于伤口愈合,并降低你的暴露或感染的风险。维生素C,而另一方面,需要生产胶原,碱性化合物,使我们的组织,细胞,肌肉和血管。豆芽碰巧有高供应这两种维生素。


豆芽是非常简单的在自己家里成长,并更容易做准备。要发展自己的豆芽,只需按照下面的说明,你的refrigeratorwill be one step closer to perfection!

A jar of sprouts and a wooden spoon with sprouts on a wooden counter


An easy way to sprout beans! They can make a nutritious addition to salads, soups, and sandwiches.
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关键词: Sprouting, Make Your Own Sprouts
Appliance: 玻璃瓶
Servings: 3
Author: Raksha Hegde


  • 2tbsp您所选择的发芽种子/豆类
  • 1。5water


  • All kinds of grains and legumes can be sprouted. Mung beans, alfalfa sprouts, and bean sprouts are the most common kind. You can also use pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds.
  • Select a clean, wide-mouth jar or mason jar for sprouting. They can be half a liter or one-liter bottles, depending on how much of the seeds you decide to sprout.
  • 切下一块干酪包布的比所述罐子的口稍宽。你也可以买,而不是用网状盖子的发芽罐子。该干酪包布或网状有助于漏用于发芽的种子的水。
  • 加two tablespoons of the seeds of your choice to the jar. You can now add one and a half cup of room temperature water.
  • Secure the cheesecloth with rubber bands on the jar mouth. If you are using a sprouting jar, put its lid.
  • 让种子浸泡过夜。沥干水在上午。填写足够的水,使种子湿润。摇罐子,使一些种子粘在罐子的玻璃。
  • Place the jar in a warm, sunny place. Continue to rinse the seeds till you see the seeds beginning to sprout. It may take a week. Once the sprouts are the desired length, drain them completely and rinse them well.

  • It is advisable to have the sprouts fresh. You can keep them in the refrigerator for up to a week. You can add the fresh sprouts to salads, sandwiches, or stir-fries.
    A jar of sprouts and a wooden spoon with sprouts on a wooden counter

Side Effects of Bean Sprouts

该re is quite a bit of debate regarding the safety of bean sprouts, as there are some common side effects, includinggastrointestinaldistress and a compromised immune system. While this debate still rages on, most people agree that with proper preparation and storage, bean sprouts can be extremely beneficial to overall health.

  • 胃的问题:当豆芽被生吃,它们常常导致胃部不适,部分地是因为risk of certainbacteria forming in the damp environment of bean sprouts is quite high. E. coli and Salmonella are commonly associated with bean sprouts that are improperly stored or prepared, which can lead to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Immune System:如前所述,病原体和其他不必要的substances are commonly found in bean sprouts, which can lead to more serious bacterial, viral or fungal infections. If your immune system is compromised in any way, you should avoid eating bean sprouts, as it could leave you vulnerable to more serious infections.
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About the Author

John Staughton is a traveling writer, editor, publisher and photographer with English and Integrative Biology degrees from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana (USA). He co-founded the literary journal, Sheriff Nottingham, and now serves as the Content Director for Stain’d Arts, a non-profit based in Denver, Colorado. On a perpetual journey towards the idea of home, he uses words to educate, inspire, uplift and evolve.

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