14 Benefits of Drinking Water

by1manbext last updated -医学审查Emily Borth(MS, RDN)

The health benefits of drinking water include boosted energy levels, normal body temperature,代谢,轻松呼吸。它还有助于防止消化问题constipation, headaches, and骨质疏松症。It plays an important role in kidney function andskincare.


水is an essential component of our body and plays a vital role in maintaining nearly all major organ systems of the body. The human body contains up to 60 percent water by weight. It is an integral part in the formation of saliva and mucus. According to science, the brain and由73%的水组成;肺部 - 83%;皮肤 - 64%;肌肉和肾脏 - 79%,和骨头 - 31%的水。


水has one of the most important roles to play in maintaining a healthy body and some of its benefits include:

Physical Performance

脱水may cause fatigue, reduced motivation, and mood swings. Several studies have been conducted on the role of water and hydration in physical performance, particularly in athletes and in the military.[2]


Cheuvront Sn等人。来自美国陆军的环境医学研究所发现,如果个体不会弥补在马拉松等高强度活动期间的流体损失跑步, it reduces endurance levels.[4]

因此,消耗大量的水is very important to improve energy levels while exercising.


It is important to drink eight glasses of water every day. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Brain Function and Headaches

When you are properly hydrated, it becomes easy for you to indulge in complex tasks.

A fluid balance helps in improving the mood, boosting memory, reducing the frequency of headaches, and improving brain function. If the body experiences fluid loss, it may lead toanxietyand excessive fatigue.[5]

A study conducted in the Netherlands on eighteen volunteers who suffered from regular headaches (all a migraine) showed a reduction in the total number of hours of headaches and also its intensity after drinking 1.5 liters of water per day for aperiodof 12 weeks.[6][7]


水, bottled, generic
Serving Size :
Nutrient 价值
[g] 99.98
Ash[g] 0.07
钙,加利福尼亚州[mg] 10
Magnesium, Mg[mg] 2
钠,NA[mg] 2
铜,Cu[mg] 0.01


水carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to the body parts and also provides a medium for the removal of toxins, dead cells, and waste material via the kidneys.[9]

It helps you flush out the waste in the form of urine, sweating, and feces.

Weight loss

Unlike aerated beverages like soda and coke, water contains zero calories. It can make you feel full before meals so that you do not overeat.[10]

It also promotes metabolism and thereby aids in减肥[11]

由Michael Boschmann领导的研究人员在德国进行的研究表明,饮用500毫升的水将代谢率提高了30%。事实上,在饮用水的10分钟内,这些代谢率增加,它在30-40分钟后达到最大值。[12]

Skin Care

A number of skin problems can be prevented by drinking adequate amounts of water. According to research, the skin may be more affected by frostbite and blisters if water levels are low in the body.[13]

The Department of Dermatology at The University of Franche-Comté, France conducted a study on 80 individuals, men and women, to assess the effect of naturalmineral waterintake on the skin. Results showed that there was an improvement in hydration, softness as well as the smoothness of the skin.[14]

Stomach Health

水is one of the major components that promote the smooth functioning of our digestive tract.

It helps in maintaining regular bowel movements and in preventing any difficulty in passing stool. Studies show that water can have positive effects onconstipation[15]

水also helps to keep the liver healthy.[16]


水can help you with hangovers in two ways.

Replacingalcoholic beverageswithunsweetenedsoda water andlemon在缔约方期间可以帮助您消耗更少的酒精并防止宿醉的机会。

On the other hand, if you have a feeling ofdry mouth, thirst, fatigue, and headache caused by a heavy night of drinking, hydrating yourself can help.[17]

Kidney Function

水is an efficient solvent. This property helps preventsalts并且矿物质从积累形成石头,因为到达肾脏的盐稀释并在尿液中被淘汰。[18]

根据国际肾脏石材学院,每天消耗2升或10杯水通过食物和饮料可以帮助预防肾结石的形成。西甲买球 万博[19]

Body Temperature

Much of the human body is made up of water and it is responsible for the regulation of body temperature.[20]

We perspire when it’s hot to lower our body temperature via evaporation. This temperature regulation property has been attributed to it as well. Particularly duringexercise, the body’s water loss (via sweat) often exceeds water intake. This makes hydration even more important during and after physical exertion.

Bone Health

According to the research, your bones may become weak if you regularly consume low mineral water. Moreover, it is also important for the lubrication of your joints.[21]

Tap water contains a decent amount of minerals that are beneficial to your body. Do remember to filter it for preventingcontamination[22]

There is also evidence that acid-base imbalance may play a role in the formation of骨质疏松症。虽然需要更多的研究,但研究表明,个人饮用足够amountsof water may have a reduced risk of osteoporosis.[23][24]

Oxygen & Breathing




Heart Health

Drinking water may help in increasing yourblood pressure如果你患有痛苦hypotension[26]

However, many studies show zero or no relation between water and metabolic/heart disease. If you are suffering from any such condition, do ask for a tip on your fluid intake from your doctor.

脱水has been shown to increase blood viscosity. Water helps maintain proper viscosity or thickness and stickiness of blood.

Some research shows that maintaining adequate hydration may be beneficial in lowering the risk of disorders包括coronary heart disease and stroke.[27][28]

Pregnant Women & Nursing Mothers

A pregnant woman carries a new life in her womb that develops from her body’s resources.

During pregnancy, a woman’s blood volume increases, increasing her water needs. Other factors including amniotic fluid and fetal循环need also increase a pregnant woman’s hydration needs.[29]

Also, during infancy, the baby requires more water. This is replenished by breastmilk or formula, but vomiting,腹泻或者炎热的气候可能导致你的小小的脱水。所以,它使其很重要哺乳mothers to keep themselves hydrated.[30]



Meinders AJ等人的2010年研究报告。建议男性应该有3,000毫升(12杯)的每日日常流体摄入量,女性应该有2,200毫升(约9杯)。除了可能预防复发性肾结石之外,它还补充说较高的流体摄入量没有令人信服的健康益处。虽然你不一定要直接喝它,但我们的食物摄入量可以通过富含水果和蔬菜的适当饮食来满足20%的H20摄入量。[32]

Word of Caution

Though water is safe and in fact necessary for life, it is possible to get too much of a good thing.

Drinking excessive amounts of water can cause hyponatremia or lowsodiumin the blood. Sodium is an电解质, and very important in fluid balance. This condition, usually caused by other medical issues or medications, is serious and can be life-threatening. Other than people with certain medical conditions including heart or kidney problems, severe vomiting or diarrhea, or those experiencing hormonal changes, those most at risk for developing this condition are endurance athletes. People lose both water and electrolytes through sweat; if you replace just the water and not the electrolytes they are losing during the activity, you can end up with hyponatremia.[33]

If you have a medical condition that increases your risk of hyponatremia, or take diuretic medications, speak with your doctor about your fluid needs.


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Meenakshi Nagdeve, Co-Founder, Organic Factsis a health and wellness enthusiast and is responsible for managing it. She has completed the营养和健康生活康奈尔证书课程,康奈尔大学,美国。她拥有IIM Bangalore和B. Tech在IIT孟买的冶金工程和材料科学中的毕业生毕业生文凭。在此之前,她在IT和金融服务工作了几年。一个热情的追随者自然病变,她相信用食物治愈。在她的空闲时间,她喜欢旅行,品尝不同类型的茶。

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