
by1manbext last updated -医学审查Afshan Shadman Ali (MSc, CDE)

Home remediesfor the burning of the rectum can offer great relief to patients suffering from this irritating condition. The most effectivehome remediesfor the burning sensations of the rectum include maintaining good hygiene, eating correct diet, use of芦荟,冷热包装,buttermilk, petroleum jelly, andradish. Other natural treatments include the use ofmyrrh, white oak, flowers of sulfur, petroleum jelly,lemon果汁,mint果汁,andhoney以各种形式和组合。

What is a rectum?

直肠是人类结肠的最后一部分,导致肛管。它是结肠的最后一部分,粪便在除去所有营养素后通过哪种粪便通过,并且您的食物已被加工到肛门以进行排泄。直肠长约5英寸,是较低的关键组件gastrointestinaltract. The rectum can often become inflamed and bleed, particularly when someone has anal fissures or even worse,痔疮.


There are many causes of the burning of the rectum, such as hemorrhoids, proctitis, unhygienic conditions, pregnancy, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), anal fissures, and more. Let us discuss them in detail below.


The main cause of this problem is hemorrhoids in the anus. Hemorrhoids, also known aspiles当肛门中的静脉膨胀时出现触摸直肠墙壁的宽肿块。这个问题也伴随着许多其他令人不快的条件,如出血,刺激,瘙痒,疼痛和炎症。


根据Ronald W. Raven,F.R.C.S,预直肠炎症是燃烧感觉的关键原因之一。[1]

Unhygienic Conditions

Not maintaining hygiene around the anus can cause hemorrhoids and lead to the burning sensations of the rectum



Irritable Bowel Syndrome

腹泻andconstipationcan be responsible for the development of these unpleasant masses, as well as excessive or aggressive wiping of the rectal area after bowel movements.

Applying Strain during Bowel Movements



Excess intake of spicy and fatty食物is also associated with the burning of the rectum, indigestion, discomfort,diarrhea, 和vomiting. High intakes of fatty meals can lead toconstipationwhich can further worsen the problem.

Caffeine & Sugar products

These products can also cause burning sensations, especially when consumed in excess.


Bleeding from the bowels can also signal more serious conditions, like an anal fissure or a polyp. Finally, colon cancer can cause significant amounts of blood loss; any experience of bleeding from the rectum should warrant a visit to the doctor.[2]




  • Bleeding
  • Irritation
  • Itching
  • Pain
  • Inflammation

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • 腹泻
  • 便秘
  • 腹痛
  • Nausea

Stomach Disorders

  • Indigestion
  • Discomfort
  • 腹泻
  • Vomiting

The good news is that there are many treatments for burning sensations in the rectum that are recommended by the experts, which can save you a visit to the medical expert. However, if an advanced stage ofpileshas already been reached, you should definitely consult a doctor, and ask him or her about the possibility of using a more aggressive modern treatment in conjunction with some of the traditional, home remedies that have been used for hundreds of years.

Home Remedies


Mango Seeds

你可以干燥mango种子并粉碎它们制作粉末。患有直肠中的感觉患者的患者应消耗2克这种粉末honeytwice a day. This is an effective and common home-based solution for hemorrhoids that have been used for hundreds of years. It works primarily because mangoes have natural anti-inflammatorycomponents in the seeds which become functional when they are crushed.[3]

Coriander Seeds

Corianderseeds are also considered to be effective remedies for piles and various signs and symptoms associated with it. You should soak somecoriander seedsin water before sleeping at night and then consume the solution in the morning. Uncomfortable conditions like burning and bleeding of the rectum can be easily treated with this remedy. A study led by Dr. Denys J. Charles suggests that coriander has a wide variety of health benefits, and its anti-inflammatory,antioxidant,健胃和痉挛性质使其成为对桩和直肠燃烧的有用防御。[4]


月桂树的果实has been shown to reduce the size and severity of hemorrhoids, while the other ingredients are all associated with anti-inflammatory or anesthetic/numbing effects. You can prepare a mixture of bayberry, myrrh, white oak, andgoldensealroot and use it as an ointment for relieving the pain and burning caused by piles in the rectum. Together, this mixture is ideal for solving your uncomfortable condition.

Burning sensation of the rectum



It has been found that consuming mashed香蕉with a cup of boiledmilk可以减少直肠的烧灼感。is a major component of香蕉s, 和it has been widely studied as avasodilator, which means that it relaxes blood vessels, leading to less压力and pressure on the veins around the rectum Also,potassium充当涩味,其缩小或收缩身体组织,包括在直肠刺激期间发炎的组织。这种钾的增压具有丰富的健康益处,但它在痔疮和直肠燃烧方面的强大活动肯定是最好的![5]

Interestingly, banana has both soluble and insolublefibercontent of which soluble fiber dissolves in water and slows digestion. Insoluble fiber promotes the movement of material through your digestive system and increases stool bulk, so it can be of benefit to those who struggle with constipation or irregular stools.


You can blend 1 spoon ofcranberriesand put them inside thecheesecloth. Patients suffering from hemorrhoids can keep this cheesecloth in the rectum and this can relieve the burning sensations and pain caused by piles. Cranberries are vulnerary fruits and known to be anti-inflammatory in nature. They are also prescribed for serious intestinal and stomach disorders because they are effective.[6]


Use offigsis amongst the most commonly recommended home remedies for burning sensations in the rectum.

  • You should soak at least 4figs在晚上在水中,早上消费它们。最好在空腹上消耗这些无花果。
  • 您还可以从图叶中创建煎汤,并在外部局部应用于刺激区域。[7]

When you do both of these things together, internally and externally, the results show much faster.


孜然helps to shrink hemorrhoids thereby, reducing the surface area to be irritated and relieving burning sensations.

  • You can mix the powdered form ofcumin seeds用水形成厚重的糊状物。然后,轻轻地将这种糊剂涂抹在肛门上,使区域冷却并快速消除燃烧的感觉。
  • The mixture of roasted and non-roasted cumin seeds, in their ground-up form, can be consumed with water to get relief from this type of burning.

Curd and Buttermilk

As a part of a healthy, high-fiber diet,probioticscan help you ease constipation. And in this way, they may be able to help ease your hemorrhoid pain. Buttermilk has the ability to reduce the temperature of the body and produce a cooling effect. You should consume buttermilk regularly to get rid of the burning sensation felt inside the rectum.


Lemonjuice acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that reduces swelling and irritation while addingmintjuice provides a natural soothing and anesthetic effect to relieve the itching and burning sensation.

  • You can get relief from uncomfortable rectal burning by mixing柠檬汁with mint juice and honey and drinking it at least thrice a day.
  • Also, you can drink coriander juice by mixingsugar(5GMS)每天2次进入它,以实现相同的救济。

Hot & Cold Packs

Use of hot and cold packs is a great way to deal with the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids quickly![8]

  • You can use hot and cold packs externally to eliminate the feeling of burning caused by piles in the rectum.
  • 您也可以坐在温暖的水桶中,从燃烧中救济。

The alternation of hot and cold is similar to what people suggest after an injury where the spot is swollen or inflamed. The temperature variations usually result in a decrease in swelling as well as enhanced blood flow to the area for康复和细胞修复。

Witch Hazel

Witch hazelcan be applied to the anus through the use of cotton pads to eliminate the burning sensation and other associated signs of piles. It has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, which will reduce the burning sensation in your rectum. Only a small amount of witch hazel is needed, as they can be quite powerful.[9]


Radishesare rich infiber, which regulates the bowel movements, stimulates蠕动motion and secretes digestive juices. This eases the passage of bowel movements, which helps to reduce further exacerbation of your hemorrhoids.

  • You can consume radishes in their grated form or in the form of juice by addingsaltto it.
  • The paste of this vegetable mixed withmilkis also a favorite remedy for hemorrhoids.

Radishes are anemmenagogue(are herbs which stimulate blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus), as well as anti-inflammatory agents used for a variety of health conditions.[10]

Aloe Vera

Aloe Verahas been known for its many medicinal properties for centuries. In case of piles and burning sensation in the rectum, you can apply it to the anus externally to reduce the burning sensation.

It also has natural soothing and anti-inflammatory qualities which is why it is so often used for晒斑and other inflammation.[11]


Avoid consuming spicy food,tea,coffee, 和sugar-rich foods in excessive amounts to further reduce the symptoms associated with rectal burning.


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Meenakshi Nagdeve, Co-Founder, Organic Factsis a health and wellness enthusiast and is responsible for managing it. She has completed the营养和健康生活康奈尔证书课程, Cornell University, US. She holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Management from IIM Bangalore and B. Tech in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science from IIT Bombay. Prior to this, she worked for a few years in IT and Financial services. An ardent follower of自然病变,她相信用食物治愈。在她的空闲时间,她喜欢旅行,品尝不同类型的茶。

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