Fava豆,也知道其他名称那such as broad beans, faba beans, and Vicia faba, belong to the family of pea and beans, which isFabaceae。它们以各种形式和品种,包括豆荚,干燥,罐装和冷冻。他们是中东饮食的受欢迎部分,主要是因为他们的富人蛋白内容;但是,在世界各地都普遍关注他们略微甜美的味道,当然,我们将在下面详细了解的健康福利。
服务大小: | |
养分 | 值 |
水[G] | 71.54 |
能源[kcal] | 110. |
能源[kj] | 460. |
Protein[G] | 7.6 |
至tal lipid (fat)[G] | 0.4 |
灰[G] | 0.81 |
Carbohydrate, by difference[G] | 19.65 |
纤维,总膳食[G] | 5.4 |
糖,总共包括NLEA[G] | 1.82 |
钙,加利福尼亚州[mg] | 36. |
Iron, Fe[mg] | 1.5 |
镁,米格[mg] | 43. |
磷,P[mg] | 125. |
钾,K[mg] | 268. |
钠,NA[mg] | 5. |
Zinc, Zn[mg] | 1.01 |
Copper, Cu[mg] | 0.26 |
锰那Mn[mg] | 0.42 |
Selenium, Se[μg] | 2.6 |
维生素C,总抗坏血酸[mg] | 0.3 |
Thiamin[mg] | 0.1 |
核黄素[mg] | 0.09 |
烟酸[mg] | 0.71 |
泛酸[mg] | 0.16 |
Vitamin B-6[mg] | 0.07 |
叶酸,总计[μg] | 104. |
Folate, food[μg] | 104. |
Folate, DFE[μg] | 104. |
Choline,总计[mg] | 30.6 |
Vitamin A, RAE[μg] | 1 |
Carotene, beta[μg] | 9. |
维生素A,IU[IU] | 15. |
维生素E(alpha-tocophherol)[mg] | 0.02 |
维生素K(Phylloquinone)[μg] | 2.9 |
脂肪酸,总饱和[G] | 0.07 |
12:0[G] | 0. |
14:0[G] | 0. |
16:0[G] | 0.05 |
18:0[G] | 0.01 |
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated[G] | 0.08 |
16:1[G] | 0. |
18:1[G] | 0.08 |
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated[G] | 0.16 |
18:2[G] | 0.15 |
18:3[G] | 0.01 |
Tryptophan[G] | 0.07 |
苏氨素[G] | 0.27 |
Isoleucine[G] | 0.31 |
Leucine[G] | 0.57 |
赖氨酸[G] | 0.49 |
甲硫氨酸[G] | 0.06 |
胱氨酸[G] | 0.1 |
苯丙氨酸[G] | 0.32 |
酪粉[G] | 0.24 |
缬氨酸[G] | 0.34 |
精氨酸[G] | 0.7 |
Histidine[G] | 0.19 |
Alanine[G] | 0.31 |
天冬氨酸[G] | 0.85 |
谷氨酸[G] | 1.29 |
甘氨酸[G] | 0.32 |
脯氨酸[G] | 0.32 |
丝氨酸[G] | 0.35 |
Sources include :USDA |
Fava Beans营养
Fava beans are a good source of energy, with a 100-gram serving offering 110 kcal of energy. They are rich in protein,碳水化合物,和纤维as per theUSDA营养数据库。这些豆子含有轻微的sugar水平,给他们甜味。谈到矿物质,Fava Beans提供calcium那铁那magnesium那磷那钾那钠,和锌。They also contain various vitamins, includingvitamin C那thiamin,riboflavin那烟酸那维生素B6,叶酸和vitamin A,e和k,使他们成为您的饮食的营养和美味。
Fava Beans Benefits
Given their rich nutrient content, fava beans have many benefits such as treating帕金森’s disease, preventing birth defects, improving bone health, and fighting anemia. Let’s take a detailed look at them below.
据说,重要的是不要用Fava Beans取代帕金森病的医疗规定的药物,因为仍然需要更多关于这个话题的研究。
根据这一点疾病控制和预防中心那蚕豆have a huge supply of folate, with 106% of the recommended daily requirement per 100g serving. Folate is one of the most important营养素for fetal growth. It helps in the creation of cells and organs for the fetus, thereby preventing the risk of neural tube defects. Astudy在波士顿大学医学院完成揭示,怀孕前几个月有充足的叶柄供应的妇女在婴儿的脊髓和大脑问题的风险明显降低,从而使蚕豆是一个良好的饮食选择他们。
Improve Bone Health
Fava beans, being rich in锰那铜众所周知,锌和钙,有助于改善骨骼健康。根据研究,一个带100克的小豆类的单个杯子含有43毫克锰。锰帮助降低身体的缺钙,从而降低与骨骼相关疾病的风险骨质疏松症老年妇女的骨质流失。
因为高Fava Beans的铁含量,它们有助于打击贫血的症状,如疲倦,弱点,呼吸急促等。铁促进了生产血红蛋白在身体中有助于将氧气携带给您的细胞。因此,定期消费丰富的豆类可能有助于预防贫血。
虽然重要的一点notehere is that those suffering from a G6PD deficiency, should not consume these beans as they may lead to another blood disorder called hemolytic anemia.
鉴于高锰和钾Fava Bean的内容,他们可以帮助管理您的血压。According tostudiespublished on the挫败饮食那foods high in manganese and potassium are known to relax the blood vessels and lower高血压另外,loweringthe risk of a心攻击或中风。
一杯或170克的小豆类含有约180卡路里,这使得它们为那些寻求的人提供良好的食物选择减肥。根据研究的研究华盛顿大学医学院,他们也有丰富的蛋白质和fiber, which help improve the feeling of fullness in your stomach thereby curbing the need or urge to eat more.
Fava beans are rich in soluble fiber, which helps in binding and removing胆固醇from your body. Astudyalso reveals how soluble fiber helps in decreasing the LDL cholesterol and glucose levels in the body.
Boost Immunity
Fava Beans是一种丰富的铜来源,这是一种重要的矿物,可以调节健康血细胞的生产和生长。铜还促进了白细胞的功能,这破坏了致病病原体在体内。研究还揭示了蚕豆如何促进抗氧化剂或者在他们年龄的人中的自由基战斗能力。
重要的是要exercisemoderation while consuming fava beans as an excess of them can have some side effects.
- Vitamin B6 deficiency:Fava Beans可能会导致depression如果过量。这是由于它们的L-DOPA存在,这虽然有益于健康,但过量可能导致a维生素B6不足。
- 药物相互作用:他们也可能有一些药物相互作用,所以如果你服用药物depression,然后最好在将这些豆类添加到饮食之前咨询您的医生。
- G6PD缺乏:另一点注意到,如果您有G6PD缺陷,则不应消耗这些豆类,如上所述。
- Allergy:蚕豆也可以对某些人带来过敏反应,因此在将它们添加到您的饮食中的同时保持谨慎。
While the side effects of these beans are rare, they are very much possible, so please see a medical professional if you feel uncomfortable after eating them.