11 Natural Ways To Relieve Hernia Pain

byJohn Staughton(Basc,BFA)last updated -医学审查Rebecca Zinger(RD,LD)

Ahernia通过体内的软或弱点定义为凸出器官或脂肪组织。有几种不同的类型,有些类型比其他类型更常见。疝气可能是一个非常痛苦,也可能是致命的条件。虽然强烈建议医疗注意力,但有几种自然补救措施可能有助于缓解疝气并发症。这些补救措施可以包括使用冰袋,gingerroot,massage,licorice,芦荟,黑胡椒粉末,和蓖麻油, as well as生活方式changes like weight loss, diet changes, andexercises

According to MedlinePlus, a hernia may breach through a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or tissue wall. It can look like a lump or swelling under the surface of the皮肤。This condition is commonly seen in the abdomen, but can also happen in the upper thigh, belly button, and groin areas. While medical attention is strongly suggested whenever a hernia is suspected, severalhome remedieshave gained popularity for providing some relief treating a hernia, as well as certain生活方式changes that can reduce the risk of developing a hernia.[1]

Natural Ways To Relieve Hernia Pain



纵观历史,蓖麻油has been used for a wide variety of stomach healthconcerns, as it can coat the stomach in a thin lining, thus possibly preventing inflammation and encouraging properdigestion。您可以准备脚轮籽油包,并将其放在胃上,以抚慰疝气的痛苦症状。[2]


As a natural anti-inflammatory compound and soothing agent, aloe vera通常推荐用于遭受疝气痛苦的人。Aloe vera can be consumed every morning in juice form。For best results, it can be eaten before every meal, to possibly lower the chances of developing a hernia.[3]

Ice pack


A woman suffering from hernia holding her stomach


Ginger Root

在减少时abdominal痛苦和舒缓inflammatoryconditions, few things are as effective as姜根。You can consume this remedy in liquid form through concentrated姜汁, or you can eat raw生姜让你的肚子健康提升也许减少了大部分痛苦。它可以保护胃和esophagus从胃汁的积聚,这可能发生在疝气的情况下。你也可以消耗姜根tea and relieve the painand inflammation.[5]


A hernia can cause damage to the stomach lining and the esophagus, andlicorice root has long been known to be ahealingstimulant for these parts of the body. Consuminglicoricetea可以迅速刺激受损组织的再生,并且由于它,也可以缓解疼痛和炎症镇痛药properties.[6]

Lose Weight

Obesity is a major risk factor for hernia patients, and it can also slow down the healing process. If you减肥, your body might be under less physical strain, your posture will improve, and the symptoms may disappear naturally. You should also eat smaller meals, as this may put less pressure on the stomach and sphincter.[7]

Alter Your Diet



Black pepperpowder is useful for more than simply flavoring food.黑胡椒与舒缓的胃问题有关and reducing inflammation of the gut.It can also help suppress acid refluxand possibly stimulate healing in those parts of the body that may have been compromised when the organ began to push through the cavity wall.[9]


疝气形成的主要因素是压力和anxiety。身体中的过量胁迫激素可以削弱身体的器官,并合理地放置更多的压力metabolismas a whole. Stomach issues and酸回流can also be affected by stress, which can exacerbate or increase your risk of hernias. Great stress reduction activities can include冥想,yoga,针刺,按摩,以及use of essential oils and aromatherapy[10]

Cut Back onExercise

One of the main causes of hernias isstrenuousexercise or overexertion while lifting weights. If you have experienced a hernia in the past or commonly engage in heavy exercise, cut back and perform easier workouts while in recovery, or as a preventative measure. The strain involved in exercise can be similar to straining during bowel movements, which can also cause hernias, so ensure that you drink enough fluids and eat enough纤维[11]


可能是疝气最简单,最有效的补救措施之一可以是一杯蔬菜汁,特别是一个制作的carrots,菠菜,onions,broccoli, and羽衣甘蓝。The possibly dense营养素and anti-inflammatory nature of vegetables can soothe the burning and painful symptoms of a hernia. Adding a bit ofsalt对于蔬菜汁可以是改善其影响的好方法。[12]

Word of Caution:如果严重的疝气未受适当的外科手术治疗,总会存在并发症的风险甚至死亡。如果你紧张自己并感到疝气突然发病,那么建议尽快看到医疗专业人士。在大多数疝气的大多数情况下,这些家庭补救措施应被视为互补治疗和恢复助剂。

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About the Author

John Staughton是一位旅游作家,编辑,出版商和摄影师,来自伊利诺伊大学的香槟 - 厄巴纳(美国)的英语和综合生物学。他共同创立了文学期刊,谢菲尔特廷罕,现在是污染艺术的内容总监,这是科罗拉多州丹佛的非营利性。在永久的回家之旅中,他使用单词来教育,激励,隆起和发展。

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