Blueberry茶offers a number of excellent health benefits, including its potential ability to protect againstcancer,strengthenheart保健,增加骨质密度,并增强免疫系统。它也有助于防止黄斑变性,改善认知功能,提高肾脏健康。
Blueberry tea is made by steeping the dried leaves of the blueberry bush, as these leaves are packed with antioxidants and nutrients, just like the fruit that the bush bears. Blueberries have become one of the most sought-after fruits in recent decades, after the discovery that they had potent antioxidant potential, and can have a hugely positive effect on overall health. These fruit-bearing bushes are native to North America, but were introduced to Europe nearly a century ago, and can now be found in most parts of the world.
The most common species isVaccinium cyanococcus,and the majority of its health benefits are derived from the highconcentrationsofanthocyanins,polyphenolic compounds and otherphytonutrients, 以及vitamin A,C, B and K,potassium,锰,zinc,andiron。
Drinking blueberry tea is a wise choice for anyone experiencing the symptoms of白内障,low immunity,痴呆,Alzheimer’s, kidney infections, high cholesterol,hypertension,osteoporosis,lowmetabolism,nutrient deficiencies, and anemia.
Blueberry tea can provide a boost to your心血管system in a number of ways, beginning with its potassium content, which can act as avasodilator减少blood pressureand lower your risk of动脉粥样硬化,中风和心脏发作。其次,高浓度的proanthocyanidins,in blueberry tea, have been shown to reduce your risk of heart disease.
The antioxidants found in this powerful fruit tea can significantly affect your cognitive function by preventing oxidative stress and plaque deposition in the brain. This slowing down of your neural connections is what leads to Alzheimer’s, dementia andotherneurodegenerativediseases, and the active compounds in blueberries may help protect you from that.
Gallic acid is a naturally occurring antioxidant in blueberries that can reduce inflammation throughout the body, including the stomach. By helpingre-balance在肠道细菌的水平,它可以优化消化,减少不适,腹部绞痛和腹胀,缓解症状constipationanddiarrhea。
Our immune system can be bolstered by both thevitamin C在蓝莓茶中花青素。维生素C刺激产生白细胞和作为一种抗氧化剂,而花青素将寻求自由基和消除他们才可以引起细胞变异或发生凋亡。
维生素A在蓝莓茶手段,这种草本饮料可以帮助保护和加强你的视野中。西甲买球 万博这种维生素已知act as anantioxidant, specifically in defending against macular degeneration in the retina and slowing down the onset of cataracts.
Kidney Health
Bone Density
在一些研究中,消费蓝莓茶已确定其与增加骨质密度和发展的风险较低osteoporosis。The mineral content in it gives your body a healthy boost, keeping your bones strong as you age.
Iron is present in blueberry tea, as iscalcium,它可以提高铁的吸收消化系统。铁也是红血细胞,这意味着更多的氧合到需要修复或再生长的身体的四肢和组织的重要组成部分。Improvedcirculation can also increase energy levels and prevent symptoms of anemia.
Sarah A Johnson of Colorado University and Dr. Bahram H Arjmandi of Florida University, USA, have co-authored a researchpaperthat highlights the superfood properties of blueberries and their apparent effect on cancer. The anthocyanins found in these berries (and the leaves that make this tea) have anti-cancer potential. By drinking blueberry tea on a regular basis, the gallic acid and other antioxidants in this tea can measurably lower your risk for colon, prostate, breast, lung, and cervical cancer.
How to Make Blueberry Tea?
- 10-12蓝莓或fresh or frozen
- 2-3tsp蓝莓的叶子dried
- 2cupswaterfiltered
- 1tsphoney可选的
- 1tbspcream可选的
- 1tspsugar可选的
蓝莓茶Made From The Fruit
You will need good quality blueberries for the tea. Wash them well, avoiding any berries that are shrivelled.
加sugar, honey, or cream if desired. You can also add a green or black tea bag. This blueberry tea can be served hot or iced and makes for a great party beverage!
Blueberry Leaf Tea
You can buy dried blueberry leaves at most natural health food stores or online. You can also use leaves from wild blueberry bushes. However, before you use wild blueberry leaves, make sure you choose the right leaves as other berry varieties that look similar to blueberries can be hazardous to your health.
Bring the water to a boil, and then reduce to a simmer. Add the dried blueberry leaves.
Strain the tea and add honey or sugar, if desired.
Side Effects of Blueberry Tea
Blueberry tea has very few side effects, and they are limited almost exclusively togastrointestinalissues and rare allergic reactions.
- 胃的问题:蓝莓茶的副作用包括胃部不适,消化不良,腹泻或恶心,但这只有当这种茶过量的消耗。当适量饮用,每天少于3杯,应该不会出现这些副作用。
- Allergic Reaction:While allergic reactions to blueberries are rare, they can happen, and typically manifest as swollen lips, tongue or gums, as well asskinirritation, redness, swelling, and itchiness. If any of these symptoms develop after drinking this tea, discontinue use immediately.
- Pregnancy:If you arebreastfeeding或怀孕,总是你的医生你的特定条件加入蓝莓茶到您的饮食面前说话。