的主要好处mugwortteainclude its ability to ease menstrual pain, improvedigestion, reduceanxiety和萧条, promote dream retention, help with减肥efforts, strengthen the immune system, and detoxify the body. This specialty tea also has some side effects, such as allergic reactions andpregnancy complications。该active components in mugwort tea are also very powerful and can be toxic in excessive amounts.
艾蒿tea has been in use for thousands of years in a number of different cultures, ranging from Europe to China, and has long been praised for its medicinal benefits. It was also the key ingredient in brewingbeerfor centuries before using酒花走进青睐。科学被称为艾蒿,the mugwort plant is a tall shrub that is closely related tosunflowers和它的叶,花和根都用于其营养成分。该具体benefits of mugwort tea are mainly due to the presence of flavonoids, triterpenes, and otherantioxidantcompounds, as well asvitamin A,vitamin K,vitamin E,钾,iron,calcium和各种B-家庭维生素。

Do you like your tea hot or cold? Photo Credit: Shutterstock
艾蒿Tea Benefits
Drinking mugwort tea is highly recommended for people suffering from insomnia, anxiety, painfulmenstruations, digestive issues, obesity, weak immunity,萧条, inflammation, colds, coughs, flu,respiratory感染,肾脏问题。
Anxiety and Depression
凭借其powerfulnervine qualities, mugwort tea is very good for treating anxiety, depression and chronic stress levels. This can help relieve stress on your nervous and metabolic system, and improve your quality of life if anxiety is something you experience on a daily basis.
Weight Loss
随着range的B-family vitamins in thisherbal tea, you can significantly boost your代谢和increase passive fat-burning. This can help with weight loss efforts and help your body operate at a higher level of energy and efficiency.
艾蒿茶已经被用来解决世代胃和缓解消化不良。它可以刺激食欲,减少腹胀和腹部绞痛和计数器unpleasantconditions likeconstipation和腹泻。Some of the active compounds can also stimulate the production of bile, which can speed digestion.
Menstrual Pain
一个艾蒿茶的主要用途是治疗痛经,通常称为月经来潮。这也是众所周知的刺激和regulatemenstruation and support the body as it changes through menopause. However, it should be avoided by women who are pregnant, as the stimulation of menses can cause流产和trigger premature labor.
Diuretic Properties
艾蒿茶的利尿性能意味着它刺激排尿,这是身体的最好方式eliminating toxins。艾蒿tea is also linked to cleansing the kidneys and bladder, reducing the chances of infection and improving function. It can also stimulate sweating, which will further eliminate toxins from the body through theskin。
Immune System
高浓度的vitamin C和otheractiveantioxidants makes this tea an excellent choice for boosting the immune system. The vitamin C can stimulate the production of white blood cells, and also act as an antioxidant, which can neutralize free radicals that cause inflammation and weaken the body’s defenses.
Vision Health
Vitamin A is found in mugwort tea and acts as a strong antioxidant for vision health. More specifically, thisbeta carotene-derivedvitamin is able to prevent macular degeneration and slow the development ofcataracts。
Bone Mineral Density
Traditional beliefs hold that mugwort tea is an excellent mineralizer对骨骼, helping to increase bone mineral density and preventing age-related bone disorders, such as骨质疏松。高levels of potassium, iron, and calcium found in this tea certainly help support this benefit.
Vivid Dreams
For centuries, mugwort tea was praised for its “psychic” and even “hallucinogenic” properties and has long been used tostimulate vivid dreams。这是据称能够帮助你记住梦的欢迎,并经历罕见的清醒梦是如此少之又少。
艾蒿tea is used around the world and is naturalized in most countries due to its popularity, but there are also side effects that need to be considered. Mugwort contains trace amounts of thujone, a toxic substance that can be very dangerous in high concentrations, but only in extremely high concentrations would this be a problem when drinking mugwort tea. That being said, there are other side effects that do occur in certain people.
- Allergies –一个用于花粉症最常见的触发是艾蒿花粉,饮用此茶等等过敏反应并不少见。如果你是正常susceptibletoallergies, use this tea in moderation, and if you experience any skin irritation,gastrointestinaldistress, or swelling of the throat, lips or tongue, discontinue use immediately.
- Pregnancy –虽然侧柏酮的水平,艾蒿茶发现是低,并可能安全,为广大茶饮酒者,孕妇应避免这种茶,如侧柏酮是众所周知的刺激月经。因此,它可能会导致流产和妊娠并发症。哺乳women should also avoid drinking this tea, as some of the active components, including thujone, can be passed into the breastmilk和婴儿产生负面影响。
How Do You Make Mugwort Tea?
艾蒿tea is easy to make at home, and only requires dried, crushed mugwort and hot water, as well as sweeteners or other herbal additions, if desired. The leaves are the most common source of mugwort tea, although some people also prepare a mugwort root tea, or even combine both plant parts for an even more beneficial beverage. If you are growing your own mugwort, cut only the top 1/3 of the plant when harvesting the leaves, and then hang them upside down in bundles
- 1盎司dried mugwort
- 4杯水filtered
- 1茶匙honey or sugarif desired
把水to a boil and then add the dried mugwort.
Allow the mugwort to steep for 5-10 minutes.
Strain the tea mixture.
Add honey or sugar, if desired for sweetness, and enjoy!
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