9 Surprising Home Remedies for Angina

byKiran Patillast updated -

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Thehome remediesfor心绞痛include the use of1mantbex ,lemon,basil,honey,grapes,onion, andcitrusfruits. These remedies help in the initial stage of relaxing the pain, however, if the pain increases, one should seek immediate medical attention.

Treatments for Angina

Regulartreatmentof angina is based on changing certainlifestylechoices, medical procedures, medicines, andcardiacrehabilitation. Home-based treatments are basically aimed at lessening discomfort and pain. In addition to this, another aim of the treatment is to reduce the chances ofheartattacks. But basically, the changes in medicines and lifestyles are helpful only if the symptoms are quite mild.

As far as medicines are concerned,nitratesare the essential requirements for treating angina. Nitrates aid in widening and relaxing the blood vessels. Another commonly used medicine is nitro-glycerin. It is available in the form of bothskinpatches and pills. The other prominent medicines arecalciumchannel and beta-blockers, anti-coagulants and ACEinhibitors.

Home Remedies for Angina

There are a number of home remedies that can help reduce the pain of angina, they are explained in greater detail below.

Choose Veggies

Avoid redmeat,since itis very rich incholesterol. Similarly, the consumption of dairy products should be reduced. If you adopt a diet with less fat and food with less cholesterol, you can reduce a lot of the minor symptoms of angina pain. Also, eat morevegetables! Green vegetables not only control angina but also help to maintain overall health.

A young man suffering from angina symptoms holding his left side chest white background

Angina is chest pain caused when your heart muscle doesn’t get enough oxygen-rich blood. Photo Credit: Shutterstock


Try to include one lemon in your food each day. You can squeeze it over salads or have it as freshlemon water. Lemon helps you avoid the accumulation of cholesterol, thuspreventingany sort of blockage in the blood vessels. It is a natural deterrent for angina and angina patients should include lemon in their diet whenever possible.


Taking 2-3clovesof raw garlic in the morning goes a long way towards naturally treating angina over an extended period of time. Like the use of lemon, garlic needs to find a place in your daily diet chart to be most effective.

Basil Leaves

Popularly known in India astulsi, this remedy is very effective in many ways. It is considered as one of the genuine remedies for angina, not just a treatment for the symptoms. It is best to chew a few leaves of fresh basil leaves in the morning. If you do not get fresh leaves, then make a juice of basil, adding a few spoons or concentrated basil juice and warm water.


The effect of honey cannot be underestimated as an herbal remedy for angina. Lemon squeezed into warm water with a spoon of honey, and taken on an emptystomach, helps to clear blood vessels and reduces the accumulation of cholesterol. Moreover, it also helps to control fat content.


These are known to improve heart health. They help to reduce the risk of heart attack, angina pain and increase the quality of your breath.


生洋葱调味汁可能有点苛刻,but if taken in the morning, it can help to instantly bring down your cholesterol level. Then, you don’t need to worry about cholesterol or angina for the rest of the day!

Citrus Fruits

Apart from lemon, which is high in citrus acid, you can also eatpineapples,oranges, and grapes to fight against angina on a daily basis.Vitamin Chelps to control your cholesterol level as well.


Parsley被公认为一个基本家remedies for angina. It can be taken in the form of either dried herbs or fresh leaves. It is also advised to drinkparsleytea, as it has both a pleasant taste and aroma, along with being beneficial for treating angina.

Other Foods

The other foodsyoucanincludein your diet arealmonds,baking soda, and hot drinks likehibiscus tea.

Most importantly, maintain ahealthy dietand go for regular small walks. This will help you fight angina pain. Incorporating these home remedies into your daily diet and activities will surely help to keep angina pain at bay so you can live a happy, healthy life. In a nutshell, in case you have angina, it is essential to know its symptoms and follow the medicinal and home remedies to limit it as best you can.

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About the Author

Kiran Patilis the founder of Organic Facts. He has a keen interest in health, nutrition, and organic living. He completed his B.Tech and M. Tech (Chemical Engineering) from IIT Bombay and has been actively writing about health and nutrition since over past 12 years. When not working he likes to trek and do gardening.

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