
bySarah Petersonlast updated -

One of the most asked questions by anyone considering a keto diet进食计划很可能是“我能吃什么”吗?当你突然遇到完全改变你吃的东西时,这个问题通常会被令人难以置信的空气。关于keto饮食的伟大事物之一是,虽然它们限制了某些类型的食物,但他们并不要求您饿死自己或限制你板上放在板上的一些食物的数量。


Here’s everything you need to know to plan ahigh-fat, low carbohydrate饮食。

Eating When You Are Hungry

One of the attractive things about adopting a keto diet plan is that you can eat various keto-friendly snacks when you are hungry. Beyond that, so long as you eat mainlyproteins, low carbvegetables和天然脂肪,你将留在酮症中。所有这些食物都致力于引发称为“刺激”的全部重要过程,这是你的身体旨在的自然烧伤储存脂肪在生产中energy用于物理需求和脑功能(实验和临床心脏病学,2004)。随着keto饮食,它更加关于你吃的东西而不是你吃多少。


开始规划keto饮食的理想场所是您的每周杂货购物清单,并努力看看您通常包含的内容。这种方法更有可能确保您不会将任何食物带入房屋中,这些食物可能在您入门之前将您的keto饮食计划吹出水中。该哲学这种方法是我后面f you don’t bring those unsuitable foods into the house to start with you have zero chance of ever eating them (while dining at home anyway).

A graphic representation of what comprises the ketogenic diet


Starting From Scratch

Many proponents of keto and other forms of low糖类diet regimes suggest that you do a little purging of your food cupboards andrefrigeratorbefore you even get started. The idea here, again, is that if it isn’t in the house you won’t be tempted to eat it. If you are brave enough to go this route there are a few things you should bear in mind and they will call upon you to be ruthless.

Taking a Strong Stance For Keto-friendly Foods

作为经验的规则,锡,包或恒温密封包装中的任何东西都很可能不会是keto友好的。当然,有一些例外,如镀锡番茄和somefishso long as the label states there is nothing else in there such as additives and preservatives. Sweet things, pasta,rice, and those highly addictive savory snack foods are all destined for the dumpster too if you really want to get serious with keto.

Shopping For Your Keto Diet


除了豌豆和甜蜜的地方,我们将大多数人谈论。玉米,鱼,犯规,最不加工meats,适量的cheese, and natural酸奶are all the keto lovers’ friend too. If you really can’t manage without a sweet tooth fix a few berry fruits in natural yogurt or full-fat cream will be right at home in your keto diet plan shopping list.

Top No-no’s When Planning For Your Keto Diet

Underground vegetables are nearly always high in-rich carbs due to it being where the plant stores its own energy supply.萝卜potatoes特别是,一个大脂肪keto no,没有,所以几乎没有其他任何东西被从土壤下拉下拉。面包,cereals, pasta, rice, and any baked goods will also kick your body out of ketosis faster than you can swallow a早餐proteinbar.


如果你专注于keto饮食棒的蛋白质末端,同时确保你拿到船上维生素矿物质that your body needs through green vegetables, you will be on the right track. Most of what we eat such as the huge amounts of bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes is about habit and popular culture. Thinking outside the box and getting creative about what you put on your plate will ensure that you don’t get bored or fall back into those keto blocking eating habits.

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Sarah Peterson is the content director at完美的keto。随着尽可能多的人来帮助尽可能多的人实现最佳的健康和福祉,莎拉与世界各地的读者分享了她的所有知识,他们期待着促使酮味的饮食。

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