志贺氏菌or shigella can be prevented using many natural remedies. These include proper water consumption, keeping yourself clean, intake of薄荷,香蕉,ginger,and disposing of diapers with care.
The biggest problem with shigellosis is that it quickly depletes your body of liquids due to the nearly constantdiarrheathat this infection can cause. When your body loses its water, your organ systems begin to slow down or even shut down, making it impossible to fight back effectively against this infection. You should bedrinking wateras frequently as possible, at least 10-12 glass per day if you are痛苦from shigellosis. This will also stimulate the excretion system, which can help shorten the duration of the infection.
When it comes to settling the stomach and ensuring the proper胃肠道health, few herbs have been more trusted over time than薄荷. With a natural anti-发炎的能力和防腐剂属性,可以help中和细菌,薄荷是治疗细菌性痢疾的最佳选择之一。薄荷茶is a popular method of benefitting from this plant, but you can also just chew on the leaves directly.
如果你已经被志贺氏菌打倒,你身体的能量储备将严重枯竭。如果你没有足够的营养需要,或者如果他们正在通过该系统排出体外太快,那么你的身体会努力正常运行. Ensure that you get enough rest during the recovery process, as most of the healing process occurs during sleep, while we are resting.
一些对我们的肠胃健康最好的食物是水果,不仅因为他们是丰富fiber,but also packed with nutrients that can help strengthen the immune system and protect gut health. Bananas are packed with钾和其他关键电解质that the body需求用于流体平衡和细胞转移。腹泻过多会消耗电解质的身体,但香蕉可以快速地解决这个问题。
游泳的在被感染的水可以收缩志贺氏菌的一种非常快速的,因为它是非常可能的,你会消耗水中,同时潜水在波浪之下。当在一个新的地方游泳,确保水质和充足的氯含量是高到足以杀死任何细菌。如果不是这种情况下,即使在您的细菌skincan weaken your immune system or infect you, so be sure to thoroughly shower after swimming in a potentially contaminated lake.
Dispose of Diapers With Care
姜是最流行的食物对消化道解决的问题之一,因为它具有抗发炎的特性和抗氧化剂that can balance the health of the stomach and ensure normal消化patterns. Ginger茶is a popular option, but it can also be eaten raw or pickled to boost the health of the immune system and ease the symptoms of shigellosis, namely diarrhea, and stomach distress.