8 Amazing Benefits of White Mulberry

byJohn Staughton(Basc,BFA)last updated -

Using whitemulberry世界各地是一个受欢迎的草药习惯,有些人可能不知道。

What is White Mulberry?

白桑树是桑树的各种各样的桑树,科学称为森菊属对北方的原产。白桑树以其叶子而闻名,这是蚕的主要营养素来源,蚕的营养素是作为世界领域的主要行业的蚕食。然而,在传统的药物中,由于其高黄酮含量,以及其他必需的营养素,叶片,水果和树皮是以各种形式使用的各种形式使用,如维生素C,calcium,protein, 和iron。A few more key active ingredients in this plant包括叶黄素,咖啡酸,无碱酸,白藜芦醇, 和moracin, among others.

这dried leaves of this tree are typically brewed into atea,而水果往往会干燥并直接食用。这香精油来自这些叶子也有效,建议为人们推荐糖尿病。This tree is now naturalized in many other parts of the world, including being widespread in the United States.

A basket of fresh white mulberries with leaves on a wooden table





这些浆果中的多样化活性化合物和挥发性酸使它们抗 -inflammatory属性,领导byproducts of this植物是关节炎患者的理想选择,以及患有慢性炎症的人,痛风,偏头痛或肠易肠综合征(IBS)。

Heart Health

研究发现,吃白色桑椹可以帮助降低总体胆固醇水平虽然提升HDL水平,这是“好”脂肪,从而降低你的risk ofatherosclerosis,攻击,中风和冠心病等。

Depression Symptoms

其中的一个active components白桑树的树皮已知抗 -抑郁症qualities when brewed into a tea. Before using thisherbal tea经常,首先与您的医生联系,特别是如果您已经存在任何抗抑郁药物。


According to a 2008 animal study发表在里面Indian Journal of Pharmacology, a dosage of mulberry leaf extract (600 mg/kg body weight) has a positive impact on diabetes-induced rats. It can help restore beta cells that make insulin, a hormone that helps the control of blood glucose levels.

Anticancer Properties

Mulberry has been studied for its anti-cancerproperties. A2018research highlights that花青素桑树的存在可能对预防动物研究中的胃癌形成是有用的。其他2017专注于白桑树的研究也建议antioxidant-rich parts of this plant may be able to induce凋亡。这是一个潜在的anticanceragent could also be beneficial against hepatocellular carcinoma, a form of liver cancer.

Stress Response

这stress response in the body is responsible for everything from our anxiety levels to our metabolic processes, so using this tea to balance your nervous system and stress response can help with chronic inflammation, mood swings and everything in between!


If you suffer from慢性的疲劳,或者只是想要更多的能量,一杯白桑茶可以刺激身体和心理能级。


这extract from the leaves of this plant has been广泛研究他们对记忆和大脑功能的影响。研究表明,使用提取物可以刺激神经活动,这可以有所帮助Alzheimer’s treatment.

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John Staughton是一位旅游作家,编辑,出版商和摄影师,来自伊利诺伊大学的香槟 - 厄巴纳(美国)的英语和综合生物学。他共同创立了文学期刊,谢菲尔特廷罕,现在是污染艺术的内容总监,这是科罗拉多州丹佛的非营利性。在永久的回家之旅中,他使用单词来教育,激励,隆起和发展。

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