3 Best Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey

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Apple cider vinegarhoney是一个年龄古老的组合作为一个home remedy通过grandparents and alternative doctors to ease a cold, cough, and hayfever。经典正在复活,因为许多人都转向自然的方式来治愈他们的身体。

最高福利apple苹果酒vinegar蜂蜜是有帮助的能力lose weight,缓解季节性的症状过敏,并降低风险心血管疾病。


Apple cider vinegar (ACV) and honey, both containpolyphenolic化合物T.hathave有利健康效果。虽然没有专门用于苹果醋和蜂蜜饮料的益处的研究表,但这里是ACV和蜂蜜的顶级科学支持福利。

苹果醋在玻璃,一个苹果那ACV, and honey on a wooden counter

Apple cider vinegar & honey are often combined for home remedies and减肥。Photo Credit: Shutterstock

May Aid In Weight Loss

一个12周的研究研究显示T.hat obese adults who consumed 30 ml (approx. 2 tbsp) or 15 ml (approx. 1 tbsp) of vinegar in a 500 ml beverage daily saw a decrease in body weight, body fat percentage, and甘油三酯与安慰剂组相比的水平。研究还表明醋摄入有助于regular血液水平,可以让你感觉饱满longer. This is one of the reasons why there are so many popular detox and weight loss diets using apple cider vinegar.

蜂蜜的好处那according tostudies,这可能会降低体重增加和肥胖,可能是由于较低的食物摄入量,如比较常规糖。

您可以访问苹果醋的重量损失有多少钱蜂蜜善于重量lossfor detailed information on weight loss associated with apple cider vinegar and honey.

Helps Ease Cough & Seasonal Allergies

Honey is commonly used in folk medicine to treat inflammation,咳嗽,和发烧。亲爱的lemon在水中稀释的汁通常会抚慰喉咙痛,因为它有效抗菌剂属性。In one study, youngchildren(1-5岁)患上鞋面呼吸道在睡前给予蜂蜜(2茶匙)的道感染。它有助于减少咳嗽,并帮助他们更好地睡觉。该研究还发现,蜂蜜似乎与常见的咳嗽抑制剂成分有效,Dextromethorphan。

蜂蜜也可能有助于缓解症状关联T.ed with seasonal allergies such as hay fever, asshownin animal models.

没有研究论文,显示ACV可以帮助缓解咳嗽和寒冷。但是,醋酸,其中之一maincomponents of ACV, is known to have抗菌剂属性。


ACV可以帮助显着降低心血管疾病的一些危险因素动脉粥样硬化Research建议苹果醋可以help由于其抑制肥胖诱导的氧化应激natural抗氧化剂content. Increased oxidative stress and obesity can severely increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, a ratstudy显示T.hat the administration of ACV for nine weeks showed a marked decrease in triglyceride and LDL (bad胆固醇)水平。另一个study表明有氧可能的十二周exercise随着苹果醋的每日摄入量显着下降炎症biomarkers. It also decreased胆固醇和LDL水平和增加的HDL水平。

Similarly, honeyisrichinnaturalphenolic compounds such as槲皮素,咖啡苯乙酯(海角)那和kaempferol命名几个,所有这些都已显示出来T.herapeutic降低心血管疾病风险的潜力。海角,蜜蜂的主要药用成分之一propolis那isshown已经减少了血液pressurein laboratory rats.


如果您计划为健康原因进行这种自然饮料,我们建议这样做一个月,然后休息一下,以避免可能的副作用,如牙釉质的侵蚀。另外,有机苹果醋与母亲菌株和raw honey根据轶事证据,可以给出最大的好处。这是制作ACV和蜂蜜射击的两步方法。

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 2 teaspoons of honey in a glass.
  • 将1杯(8盎司)的温水加入混合物中。确保你不服用沸水,因为它可能对此产生有害影响营养蜂蜜的好处。Your detox drink is ready.

如果你愿意,你可以用它来味道生姜薄荷那or any of your favorite herbs and香料。什么时候没有真正的有益时间。你可以在早上醒来,就在睡前或饭后。最好检查适合您的内容。

Risks & Side Effects


  • High in Sugar:蜂蜜高卡路里和糖。一T.ablespoonof honey has almost 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar, according to the USDA. So it should be had in moderation, especially on a weight loss program.
  • Nausea:苹果醋可以原因certain people to feel nauseous, which can act as an食欲抑制因素。但是,如果在摄入苹果醋和蜂蜜射击后感到病了,则不应使用这种方法。
  • Teeth Enamel Erosion:According对于美国牙科协会,过多的任何酸性食物或饮料都像苹果醋一样会导致牙釉质的侵蚀。
  • 药物相互作用:Be cautious if you are taking insulin,diabetes药物,利尿剂或尖端为太多的醋会干扰这些药物。在将苹果醋中添加到您的日常方案之前,请务必与您的健康顾问联系。

Raksha Hegdeis the content director at Organic Facts and helps oversee a team of brilliant, dynamic content writers. She completed her MS in Broadcast Journalism from Boston University, US. A former business news journalist and editor, Raksha followed her passion for wellness to become a certified Yoga teacher and a wellness festival curator. She believes that learning is a life-long process; she did a certificate e-course on “Introduction to Food and Health” in 2019 from Stanford University, US.

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