10 Amazing Benefits of Maracuja Oil

byJohn Staughton (BASc, BFA)last updated -

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Maracuja oil has a number of proven health effects such as reducing oxidative stress,保湿theskin, preventing inflammation and itchiness, aiding sleep, lowering stress, boosting the respiratory system, eliminatingsunburn, calming the nervous system, and regulating menstrual symptoms, among others. Unfortunately, use of this oil does come along with certain side effects, including irregular heartbeat, dizziness, cognitive confusion, skin inflammation andgastrointestinal窘迫,以及与手术及某些疾病,如妊娠并发症。负责任和适度使用这种油的,但是,可以提供一系列令人印象深刻的健康益处。

Derived from thepassionflowerplant, which bears the namePassiflora edulis,maracuja oil is extremely popular in South America, as this plant is native to Brazil and nearby countries. However, its potent mixture of active compounds and potential health benefits has enabled its spread throughout the world. Used for thousands of years in different forms, even by the ancient Aztec empire, the pure form of this oil is now often used as a topical remedy, as ingestion is generally not recommended, due to potential toxicity. The many health benefits of this natural oil are credited to the high levels of linoleic acid, oleic acid,quercetin, flavonoids,vitamin Avitamin C, as well as various other minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

好处& Maracuja石油的使用

使用花蜜油是流行谁失眠要救济的人,呼吸道感染,晒伤,粉刺,湿疹, nervous system disorders, chronic disease, dry skin,inflammatoryissues,anxiety, stress,萧条, painfulmenstruationhigh blood pressure.

Prevents Inflammation

具有高含量的维生素C,生物类黄酮,生物碱等抗氧化剂,这种油包对任何人都是严重的冲experiencingoxidative stress in their tissues. These antioxidants are able to eliminate free radicals and lower your chance of excess inflammation throughout the body.

Nervine Tonic

One of the most effective uses of this oil is a soothing agent for the nervous system. This goes beyond simple stress reduction, but can also impact nervous障碍, such as muscle spasms and epilepsy, in addition to enhancing your mood and allowing your body to relax.

Prevents Ill Effects of Sunburn

When topically applied to sunburn, maracuja oil can suck out the “heat” of sunburn by eliminating inflammation and stimulating康复. The antioxidantspresent in this oilcan further prevent oxidative stress and cellular mutation associated with sunburns.

Skin Care

For other skin conditions, aside from sunburns, maracuja oil offers anti-inflammatory benefits for conditions like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and acne. It hasantibacterial和antioxidant compounds, which can help to improve the appearance of the skin, minimize wrinkles andage spots和even increase the elasticity of the skin. Furthermore, this oil is an emollient, meaning that it can lock in moisture to prevent dry skin and itching.

Relieves Stress

The anxiolytic properties of this oil allow it toeliminate symptomsof stress and anxiety, which can cause an unhealthy buildup of stress hormones in the body. Stress can significantly impact your personal and professional life, while also causing unwanted inflammation, fatigue, and mental exhaustion. Applying a few drops on the temples, neck or chest – or using this oil as anaromatherapyingredient – can help with your chronic and acute stress levels.

A close-up shot of maracuja flower and oil

Maracuja oil is rich in essential fatty acids & nutrients, which are vital to skin. Photo Credit: Shutterstock


Traditional uses of maracuja oil include its use for women going through painful menstruation. This oil is able to reduce cramping byrelaxing the肌肉,以及通过帮助平衡体内激素水平减少情绪波动。它可以的焦虑或抑郁也较低的水平,偶尔伴随月经。

Promotes Good Sleep

作为镇静剂和镇定剂,花蜜油可以成为一个强大的睡眠援助,通常用于这一目的。哈曼的一个chemical镇静剂在这个油,它可以消除失眠和烦躁不安症状的发现,让你有一个uninterruptednight’s sleep and a refreshed feeling in the morning.

Lowers Hypertension

虽然花蜜油的最常见的用途涉及到通过局部使用其影响力,花蜜石油极为丰富,polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which can help to balance cholesterol. In the past, small amounts of this oil were consumed in the form of an infusion and even added to certain meals. While this oil is typically not recommended for consumption, careful use of this oil can lower胆固醇水平blood pressure, which can be an extra benefit for yourcardiovascularhealth.

Relieves Pain

这种油通常适用于topical or localized pain, particularly acute pain from muscle strains and other injuries. Maracuja oil is also useful for topical pain, as well as the pain associated with injury, surgery or extended illness. Drinking ateabrewed with a few drops of this oil has been traditionally used for aches and pains throughout the body, aided by the anti-inflammatory effects of the oil. Again, only small amounts are necessary, and it is best to speak with your doctor before using this oil.

Vision Care

Being rich in certain carotenoids,including lycopene,这种油可以通过它的抗氧化作用有助于视力健康。随着年龄的增长,cataracts和黄斑变性可能是难以避免的,但在这种油中的抗氧化剂可以找出那些自由基,让您的视觉强,你的年龄。

Side Effects of Maracuja Oil

There are some important side effects to consider before using maracuja oil, which can impact your cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and nervous systems, as well as complicate pregnancy and other medical conditions for which you are taking medication.

  • Nervous System –已经有神经系统损害的报告有限,如头晕,认知混乱,肌肉痉挛。此外,如果你接受任何类型的手术,最好避免这种油2-3周,之前和之后,因为它可以与麻醉不良相互作用。
  • 心脏健康 -Some of the most rarely reported side effects, particularly when an excessive amount of oil is used, include irregular heartbeat, rapid heartbeat, and inflamed blood vessels, leading to higher blood pressure. These are very uncommon if a normal amount of oil is used.
  • Stomach Issues –Nausea and vomiting have been reported when this oil is internally consumed. While traditional use of this oil includes using it in culinary preparations, most experts do not recommend this for anything but topical oraromatherapypurposes.
  • Pregnancy –对子宫(包括平滑肌收缩的)潜在影响使这对任何人都是糟糕的选择是谁怀孕了,因为它可以增加你的流产和早产的机会。
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John Staughton is a traveling writer, editor, publisher and photographer with English and Integrative Biology degrees from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana (USA). He co-founded the literary journal, Sheriff Nottingham, and now serves as the Content Director for Stain’d Arts, a non-profit based in Denver, Colorado. On a perpetual journey towards the idea of home, he uses words to educate, inspire, uplift and evolve.

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