有以琉璃苣油很多好处,包括其降低炎症的能力,舒缓疼痛,较低的压力水平,降低血糖,保护心health, improve female health, decreaseskindisorders, aid in减肥,预防慢性病,平静活动过度和降低呼吸窘迫。
What is Borage Oil?
琉璃苣油是从同一个名字的野花制成,不过它通常被称为starflower。Scientifically被称为琉璃苣,this flower is native to the地中海区域,虽然它的产品现在在世界上的许多不同部分可用。这种花称赞它的种子,这是由大约25%琉璃苣油的。
Borage oil is the richest known source of gamma-linolenic acid (also known as GLA), an extremely beneficial fatty acid, in addition to significant amounts of stearic acid, eicosenoic acid, palmitic acid, nervonic acid, erucic acid, and other antioxidants. As one of the most nutrient-dense oils on the market, it is highly sought after for its medicinal applications, and new research is ongoing for potential uses for this uniquely powerful oil.
Borage Oil Benefits and Uses
Many people choose to use borage oil if they are struggling with stress, skin inflammation, painfulmenstruation,糖尿病,高血压,obesity, high toxicity, ADHD, flu, cough, congestion, chronic pain,anxiety和氧化应激,以及那些谁正在寻找降低他们的机会cancer。
该monounsaturated和polyunsaturatedfats in borage oil can have antioxidant effects on the body, helping缓解炎症和氧化应激,从而降低慢性疾病的风险,甚至有助于抵御癌细胞的生长。
Various studies have been conducted to确定the effect of borage and its oil on cancer. A2013 research paper表明,它由琉璃苣油的饮食是有益的,因为此油含有γ-亚麻酸(GLA)。GLA有助于保护您免受DNA损伤,也有能力来对抗癌症。

Borageoil is known for its anti-发炎的properties.Photo来源:存在Shutterstock
粘液发现琉璃苣油能有效地消除呼吸道问题,包括感染和充血。它可以通过痰和粘液削减,同时还进攻the underlying infection and soothing sore throats and respiratory tracts.
Relieves Pain
Pain relief is commonly associated with the use of borage oil, particularly for breast pain, chronic pain, and soreness associated with injuries or surgeries. By stimulating the release of certain hormones, and impacting the pain receptors in the body, this oil can ease tension and relieve even chronic pain conditions.
凭借庞大的脂肪酸范围和γ-亚麻酸的最高已知水平,这种油对心脏健康非常好。它是一个抗凝物和a hypotensive substance and helps in balancing胆固醇水平为好。因此,防止动脉粥样硬化,心脏发作和中风。
When you apply borage oil topically to你的面部,胸部或颈部由痤疮的影响,它能迅速滋润肌肤,排除毒素,并返回皮脂分泌正常水平。除了炎症,这样可以很快愈合和舒缓痘痘的症状,同时还减少了疤痕和瑕疵的从这种情况的出现。
Reduces Obesity
Hair Care
琉璃苣油是非常受欢迎的谁的经验,通过刺激肾上腺痛经的妇女。它正affects平衡女性荷尔蒙,帮助缓解乳房胀痛,疼痛痉挛,情绪波动,并premenstrualsyndrome (PMS) symptoms.
Controls Diabetes
For those who deal with diabetes on a daily basis, using borage oil can helpregulateblood sugar and insulin resistance, preventing the dangerous spikes and drops in glucose that diabetic patients fear.
Alleviates Anxiety & Stress
琉璃苣油的激素效应被称为消除焦虑和症状萧条和振奋情绪可衡量的方式。有些人选择在使用这种油aromatherapy做法,和while this isn’t the most common use, it is definitely effective to keep your emotions and worries under control all day.
One of the most important uses of borage oil is for people who may have had a bit too much to drink. Borage oil can improve metabolism, speed up the排毒的体,外套的胃,并提升能量水平,帮助克服甚至最坏的宿醉。
Side Effects of Borage Oil
有许多的副作用,琉璃苣油应该考虑的,如出血性疾病的风险增加,gastrointestinaldistress, the potential risk for前列腺癌,癫痫发作,并与妊娠可能出现的并发症。使用琉璃苣油,无论是局部或内部之前,你的医生你的具体的健康状况发言。
- Bleeding:该抗凝物nature of this oil can加剧出血性疾病,所以如果你从这样的疾病的困扰,或正在计划在具有在不久的将来手术,用这种油作为一种天然的补救措施之前,请与您的医生。
- Gastrointestinal Issues:When consumed, even in small amounts, this oil can cause gastrointestinaldistress,如恶心,腹胀,腹部绞痛,呕吐,腹泻。This is not common, but if it occurs, discontinue the use of this oil immediately.
- Prostate Health:有研究表明,high levelsγ-亚麻酸的可偶尔导致增加前列腺细胞的生长,这可能会增加肿瘤生长和前列腺癌的风险。如果您在使用琉璃苣油之前有前列腺肥大,谈谈你的医生。
- Seizures:该re have been reports of concentrated GLA causing seizures, so if you suffer from a seizure-related condition, such as epilepsy, the use of this oil can be dangerous and should be避免。
- 怀孕:虽然在这方面的研究有一定的限制,一般的看法说,这种油的月经影响可能刺激早产,所以这是一个particularly risky oil妇女在他们的前两头三个月,因为它可以增加你的流产的风险,造成对胎儿的威胁。