橘子的健康益处香精油can be attributed to its properties as an antiseptic,antispasmodic,细胞学,可绥净,镇静剂,健胃和滋补物质。
This is yet another essential oil from a citrus fruit. You might be familiar with “tangerines”, and when you study about essential oils of mandarin橘子, you will find that tangerines are almost identical to普通话橘子, with the exception that they have a deeper orange color, lack pips, and are harvested in a different time of the year than mandarin oranges.
即使是橘子和普通话橘子的植物名也是一样的。植物学上,它们都被称为柑橘类reticulata.。他们原产于中国,从那里,他们蔓延到世界其他地区。就像普通话一样orange essential oil, the essential oil of tangerine is extracted by cold compression of its peels and contains alpha pinene, alpha-thujone, beta pinene, camphene,citronellal, gamma terpinolene, geranial, limonene, linalool, myrcene, nerol, sabinene, and terpineol as its chief components.
Health Benefits of Tangerine Essential Oil
喜欢mandarins, tangerines also hold a place of significance in Chinese culture and草药。These medicinal properties are explained in greater detail below.
金黄色葡萄球菌是对叫做败血症的这种可怕的感染负责的细菌的种类。败血症是一个非常糟糕的病情。它不仅限于仅仅是肿胀和变红wounds,还有急性疼痛。如果没有遏制,它可以迅速蔓延到身体的另一个部分并影响它们,即使那里没有伤口。它会导致关节的急性疼痛,不动,和硬化,以及肌肉,肿胀,发红的急性收缩和痉挛,发热, and convulsions. It also readily attacks newborn babies, since their皮肤易受感染。当通过切割脐带与母亲的身体分开时,它也会攻击它们。橘子的精油含有一些杀死这些细菌并阻止它扩散的组件,从而有助于治愈败血症。它可以外部施用于打开伤口,以及口服造成均匀的效果。
Acts as a Cytophylactic
Purifies Blood
An agent that purifies the blood is called a depurative. Tangerine essential oil is considered a powerful depurative. It helps in the excretion or removal of toxic and unwanted substances such as uric acid, pollutants, extrasaltand water from the body through sweat, urine, and the excretory process. It increases the oxygen-retaining capacity of the erythrocytes (red blood cells), thereby refreshing and purifying the blood.
橘子的精油抚慰身体。它在体内在体内运作的器官系统中舒缓所有类型的炎症和多动,即respiratory,circulatory,消化,神经和排泄系统。它镇静发烧,毒性物质的侵入bloodstream来自外部来源,抽搐,anxiety压力,压力和超敏争度toallergies。It also sedates萧条,愤怒和冲动的反应。
Other Benefits
橘子精油改善循环of blood and phlegm, boosts digestion, helps to maintain oil and moisture balance in the skin and shows西科拉特和润肤性能也是如此。它还缓解了便秘and treats diarrhea, flatulence, rashes, dryness, and cracking of skin,头发问题和头皮屑。
Blending:橘子的精油与精油的精油很好万博客户端注册佛手柑, cinnamon, clary智者,丁香,乳香,lavender,肉豆蔻和neroli。