该most important偏方人类乳头瘤病毒包括使用松果,毛茛,金盏草,牛至油,astragalus,1mantbex ,茶树油,金钟柏油,蘑菇和姜黄素。
人乳头状瘤病毒是一种DNA病毒,影响skin。Normal treatment for human papillomavirus includes the use of broad antiviral medications, but there is no specific “cure” for this infection. In fact, the human body appears to lower HPV to undetectable levels in the body, effectively clearing it up by itself. However, there can be resurgences in HPV in the first two years after symptoms have been “diminished”. However, given that premalignant lesions from high-risk HPV varieties may significantly increase the机会开发颈椎癌症,它不应该掉以轻心。你应该定期与医疗专业咨询,特别是如果你认为你已经被感染了,如果你发现疣或其他病变。
Some antiviral products are in development, but due to the natural way that HPV can often be cleared up, home remedies are often recommended. So let us look at some of the home remedies for HPV.
This well known antiviral herb is one of the most popular and relied upon treatments for HPV. You can make tinctures or茶从紫锥花,这两者都是在刺激免疫系统和减少疣的外观高度有效。该phytosterols和other抗氧化剂在紫锥菊化合物能够刺激白血球,改善免疫系统的抗病毒影响。
有两种使用两种不同的方法毛茛打击HPV。可以制成这种草作为直接应用到生殖器疣酊,也可以采取在毛茛补充形式,这是广泛使用在保健食品商店和训练有素的中医。这种草药一直被称为一个防腐剂,但其抗病毒性能are what makes it so valuable for HPV home treatment.
Like many万博客户端注册,金盏花精油是非常有效at clearing up skin conditions, including warts and inflammation that occur as a result of HPV. The most popular way of using calendula is by consuming it or taking it as a suppository.
该essential oil of牛至是充满了抗病毒和抗氧化成分,让您HPV的治疗非常有效的。由于这种草药是如此的广泛使用,它是最便宜的家庭疗法之一,但石油应在使用前,略微稀释,因为它可以在身体的敏感区域刺激性,尽管其抗病毒和疣减少abilities。
As always, garlic is a popular suggestion for the natural治疗HPV的。大蒜素,这是大蒜中的活性成分,所述的强大效果包括抗病毒活性。您可以泡蒜一夜,然后直接使用注入水对见效快的生殖器疣。
不仅茶树油have powerful antiviral effects when applied directly to the affected areas, but it also提升immunity in the body, increasing the number of white blood cells and attacking the HPV virus from two sides.
Thuja Oil
Although not the most commonly recommended remedy, thuja oil is a preferred remedy in Ayurvedic practices. This oil can actively seek out and neutralize infected cells and eliminate virus symptoms, including warts. Unfortunately, thuja oil can be an irritant,particularlyin the delicate areas where HPV attacks, so dilute the oil before use.
该re are a number of antiviral and抗菌蘑菇,使他们在HPV的治疗有价值的特性。这些添加到你的饮食可以是一个简单又好吃的办法战斗病毒感染整个身体。
有证明抗癌姜黄素和抗病毒特性,这是草本植物的关键成分姜黄。通过添加该spiceto your meals, you can significantly boost the strength of your immune system andprotect你的身体从HPV。