8 Top Tips To Naturally Whiten Your Teeth

byDr. Gursh Bajwalast updated -

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So many people are now using white strips and whitening paste among other things, and this often leads to people asking what some of the best ways are to help achieve that perfect white smile. Before we consider how to whiten teeth, it is important to look at reasons why teeth don’t remain white in the first place.

Main Causes of Yellow, Beige or Brown Teeth


  • Drinkingteaorcoffee
  • 香烟smoking
  • Lacking saliva, which leads to adry mouthand that results in less protection of the enamel
  • Excess intake of fluoride especially from the early ages
  • Genetic disorders
  • Using your mouth to breathe which leads to a dry mouth, hence reduction of saliva.
  • Consumption of a poor diet and especially taking many processed foods that have a lot of acid contents.
  • Use of some抗生素.
  • Tooth enamel becoming thin due to aging.


因为所有uded to above, the need to look and feel at our best is more important today than ever. This wasn’t always the case. An article in theBritish Dental Journal[volume198,第514(2005年4月23日)显示,白化担心,尤其是在欧洲,因为安全担忧的牙齿传统的前景。然而,今天的牙齿美白是一个相当流行的做法。这是部分原因是更多的实惠和方便的选择。这也成为时尚,这要归功于谁促进了它的名人。

Close-up of a smiling woman's teeth





这是使你的牙齿更白的最简单的方法之一。Brushingyour teeth using the recommended牙膏是获得完美笑容的最佳途径。这是非常重要的,每顿饭甚至饮料后始终刷牙。这需要大量的纪律,有时它可能是一个有点难以执行,但所有饭后刷牙记得它是非常重要的。至于咖啡或茶的爱好者,如果你想避免牙齿染色,这是几乎可以肯定的要求。

Use Hydrogen Peroxide

This is anantibacterial化学物质,特别是通过破坏细菌作为口腔清洁工作。您可以使用过氧化氢作为漱口水。使用本产品的最佳方式是混合的一半和一半的水,然后在你的嘴周围沙沙混合物再用清水洗净。除了美白,过氧化氢保持口通过破坏新鲜的气味in the mouth.

Oil Method

Coconut oilpulling (as it is called) can be used to whiten a person’s teeth. By applying a small amount ofcoconut oil你的牙齿,它可以使他们白。你刷牙后,应用油或将其应用到你的牙刷刷牙。


Activated charcoalis an absorbing product that works by trapping toxins that are in the body. It can be used to whiten your teeth since it absorbs any plaque and substances that cause teeth staining; however,it can havean abrasive effect. You can use this product when you are brushing and for better results, you should use it 2 to 3 times a week.


ACV is an antibiotic and it can be used as a tooth and gumcleanser. It is very suitable for removing tough stains on your teeth. Mostly ACV helps remove stains that are caused by some of the common stain causes such as coffee andnicotine. The pH in ACV is such that it removes these teeth stains and it is a good way of whitening teeth.

Eating Healthy foods

有人说了多年,有些水果,如strawberriesare used as teeth whiteners. Berries have someantioxidantsand other chemical substances that are very beneficial to the teeth. You can usestrawberries以此目的by crushing themand rubbing them on your teeth. It is also important to note that the overall diet also determines the health of a person’s teeth.

Lemon or Orange Peels

Lemonpeels,orange peels, and lemon万博客户端注册含有一些有益的氨基酸,这可以用来美白牙齿。一般来说,这些水果是很健康,对身体有益,但你必须记住这一点,它会磨损牙釉质你如果在大的内容使用。使用后,一定要彻底冲洗你的嘴是很重要的。


This is a very simple method of whitening teeth. All you have to do is just wet a toothbrush, then dip it into thebaking sodaand brush your teeth, and then rinse your mouth.

其中的一些方法都试过了,所有的测试和认证,多年来但作为home remedies, the extent to which they work from person to person does vary and we all suggest that in any case, you are best to get some advice before you go all DIY on yourself with important matters relating to help. Sometimes it has to be remembered that nothing replaces the work of a professional teeth whitening clean for a practicing dental clinic.

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About the Author

Dr. Gursh Bajwa is the principal dentist atTamworth Dental & Implant Clinic总部设在英国塔姆沃思,塔姆沃思服务,利奇菲尔德和萨顿科尔菲尔德的城镇。BAJWA博士和他的团队努力拼搏,使获奖的诊所提供专业的,一致的和友好的牙科服务的病人谁为全部的程序非常心脏。

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