
byJohn Staughton (BASc, BFA)last updated -

There are numerous benefits of cottonseed oil, such as its ability to lowercholesterol, protect theskin,改善免疫系统,减少炎症,速度康复, boost cognition, and even help prevent certain types ofcancer。然而,棉籽油也具有各种副作用,例如潜在的风险健康,毒素摄入量增加,以及生育问题。其中许多是由于低质量或高处加工的棉籽油,因此用户必须对其棉籽油的来源和成分进行谨慎。

What is Cottonseed Oil?

Cottonseed oil, as the name implies, is made from the seeds of cotton plants, which are produced in huge quantities in various countries, including the United States. Similar to other seed oils, the cotton seeds must be husked, revealing an oil-rich kernel, which can then be pressed to extract the valuable oil. This oil, which is praised for being low in trans fats, is often used as cooking oil because it can help bring out the flavor of foods rather than masking them. It is also popularly used as aform of biofuel。However, not all cottonseed oils are made equally. Unprocessed oil may contain more than 70% unsaturated fats, buthydrogenatedcottonseed oil is extremely high insaturated fats,这对身体产生负副作用。有机,未加工版本的这种油的好处是由于存在polyunsaturated单一饱和脂肪,以及其他其他人antioxidants

Cottonseed oil in two glass bottles with whole cotton pods next to it

Cottonseed oil is a commonly usedvegetable oil这是来自棉花植物的种子。照片Credit:Shutterstock


Oil, cottonseed, salad or cooking
Serving Size :
Nutrient 价值
Energy[kcal] 884
Energy[kJ] 3699
Total lipid (fat)[g] 100.
Choline,总计[mg] 0.2
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)[mg] 35.3.
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)[µg] 24.7
总饱和脂肪酸,[g] 25.9
14:0[g] 0.8
16:0[g] 22.7
18:0[g] 2.3
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated[g] 17.8
16:1[g] 0.8
18:1[g] 17
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated[g] 51.9
18:2[g] 51.5
18:3[g] 0.2
20:4[g] 0.1
Phytosterols[mg] 324.

Cottonseed Oil Benefits & Uses

许多人转向棉籽油,以帮助治疗高胆固醇和blood pressure, arthritis,痛风, a weak immune system,dementia,某些癌症,inflammatoryconditions, wounds, cuts, scrapes, and skin conditions.

Speeds up Healing

This oil is able to speed the healing process due to its high antioxidant levels andvitamin Econtent so people regularly apply it to fresh wounds, cuts, scrapes, and scratches. Tocopherol is able to stimulate the growth of healthy new skin cells and protect against potential infection.

Improves Cognitive Health

Monounsaturated多不饱和脂肪都与增加的认知和减少有关。神经退行性疾病, such as dementia. If you are using natural, unrefined cottonseed oil, it can reduce inflammation in the neural pathways and prevent beta-amyloid plaque deposition, which will help keep you sharp as you age!

Anticancer Potential

There have been several animal学习on the anticancer properties of gossypol, a naturally occurring toxin in the cottonseed plant. Gossypol has beenlinkedto lower levels of prostate tissue growth, which can reduce prostate enlargement andloweryour risk of前列腺癌(Anticancer Research 2006)。但是,根据油的类型和来源,您可能会增加其他类型癌症的风险。

Skin Care

Topical applicationof this oil is generally not a controversial use, as it does have notable levels of vitamin E and other antioxidants that can boost skin health. This oil can improve the appearance of the skin, moisturize dry skin, and prevent premature aging. By eliminating oxidative stress in the skin, this oil can minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and even help you get rid of blemishes and scars.

Boosts Immune System

Antioxidants展示in this oil help reduce oxidative stress and strain on the immune system, thus defending the body against typical pathogens and foreign bodies.


Monounsaturated fats have been proven to reduce inflammation throughout the body, whether consumed or topically applied. Regular use of this oil can relieve chronicsymptoms of关节炎,痛风,头痛和关节障碍,并且当用于烹饪应用时,可以抚慰胃并优化消化。


This oil does have a notable level of saturated fats, but there are also many mono- and poly-unsaturated fats, including gamma-linolenic acid, which can lower overall胆固醇水平和improve heart health. When used responsibly, cottonseed oilcan lower血压并降低风险atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. If you have heart problems, however, speak with your doctor about other possible oils (with lower saturated fat levels) to improve health.

Side Effects of Cottonseed Oil


  • Heart Health:While cottonseed oil does deserve some praise for its ability to boost heart health, there is still a high level of saturated fats, especially inhydrogenated form。This type of fat can be dangerous for heart health, particularly if you are already struggling withatherosclerosisor heart disease. If you are suffering fromcardiovasculardisease, speak to your doctor before using this oil.
  • 毒素问题:棉是许多国家的独特作物,因为它并不总是被认为是植物或食物,因此它不受同样的农药和除草剂法律限制。这意味着某些棉籽油可以在危险的毒素中高,这取决于它的源于源自。这些毒素中的一些已直接联系在一起致癌物effects in the body. As mentioned earlier, it is vitally important to know where your cottonseed oil comes from, and what methods were used to produce it.
  • 皮肤过敏:As is the case with almost every potent natural oil, people with sensitive skin or those allergic to this oil may suffer inflammation, itchiness, and skin redness when using this oil. Before applying it to a large area of the body, put a small amount on a patch of skin and wait for a few hours to see if any negative effects occur.
  • Reproductive Health:Studies have shown that gossypol, a natural chemical component in cottonseed oil, can decrease sperm production and motility, which can impair one’s ability to have a child. Many commercial versions of cottonseed oil have undergone a process to remove this gossypol, but it is important to note whether the refinement process also includes hydrogenating this oil.
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John Staughton是一位旅游作家,编辑,出版商和摄影师,来自伊利诺伊大学的香槟 - 厄巴纳(美国)的英语和综合生物学。他共同创立了文学期刊,谢菲尔特廷罕,现在是污染艺术的内容总监,这是科罗拉多州丹佛的非营利性。在永久的回家之旅中,他使用单词来教育,激励,隆起和发展。

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