10 Best Palm Oil Reviews 2020

by1manbext last updated -

Palm oilis derived from the fruit of the palm trees. It has a natural red color because it is rich in beta-胡萝卜素。它有两个主要用途 - 作为烹饪油和cosmetics。在烹饪时,它通常用于烘焙,调味汁,汤,甚至爆米花, while in cosmetics it’s one of the main ingredients of many soaps and creams.

棕榈油的好处是广泛的,因为它们有助于预防脑病癌症, as well as维生素A.deficiency. It is also used in treating highcholesteroland血压。如果您不确定您应该购买哪种棕榈油,请此刻查看最佳产品和市场的审核。阅读评论后,请务必查看如何选择,购买和储存棕榈油的信息。

Okonatur Palm Oil

  • 100% pure
  • 起源于哥伦比亚
  • Perfect for baking

Although it is used as a cooking oil, it is especially recommended for baking cookies. The product is from Colombia from farms that are used for stock-breeding. The expeller pressed method was used during manufacturing. It contains no trans fats or artificial ingredients. Aside from baking, it also can be used for soap making.

A bottle of palm oil surrounded by fresh palm fruits on palm leaves

Palm oil is an ediblevegetable oilderived from the mesocarp of the fruit of the oil palms. Photo Credit: Shutterstock


  • Unrefined
  • Buttery texture
  • Originates from Ecuador

Nativa的棕榈油是完全有机和未精制的。它是由厄瓜多尔家庭农场种植的棕榈树制成的。该产品完全是非转基因和环保的。它有一个carrot-like flavor and a buttery texture. It’s perfect for sautéing, sauces and soups, but it can also be used for making popcorn.


  • Cold pressed
  • 适合肥皂和乳液

可爱的博士使棕榈油和棕榈仁油。棕榈油从水果中提取,而另一种类型来自水果的内核。两者都很丰富antioxidantsand nutritive ingredients. The primary use of Dr. Adorable’s products is in cosmetics, where it works great as a皮肤moisturizer和肥皂,乳液和奶油的载体油。

Praise Red Palm Oil

  • 100%自然
  • 没有反式脂肪
  • Originates from Ghana

Praise red palm oil is a premium African product rich in antioxidants and free of artificial ingredients. It can serve equally good for cooking needs and for皮肤careproducts. The oil comes in an easy-to-use ergonomic bottle. It is extremely healthy and contains no cholesterol or trans fats.

Essential Depot Palm Oil

  • Ideal for soap making


H&B Oils Center Co. Palm Oil

  • Refined
  • Cold pressed
  • Cosmetic and skin care product

H&B Oils Center Co. palm oil has been refined,除臭andbleached,但它保持了所有营养成分,例如维生素E和K和棕榈酸。主要用途是用于化妆品和护肤品,因为它可以延长其保质期。

Grain Brain Palm Oil

  • 有机的
  • Originates from Brazil
  • World’s most sustainable palm oil

Grain Brain is dedicated to the environment and, if that is important to you, you should know that Greenpeace rated Grain Brain as the #1 sustainable palm oil manufacturer in the world. The product also has great quality and no artificial ingredients. In can be used in cookies and cakes, as well as for making creams and soaps.


  • 有机的
  • USDA认证
  • Cooking oil

阿姨帕蒂制造了红棕榈油,只能在烹饪中使用。它是完全非转基因和美国农业部证明产品是有机的。味道很温和,但金额是温和的营养素are high. It contains no trans fats or artificial ingredients. It is perfect for grain and白饭饭菜,以及汤,酱汁和爆米花。


  • 100%自然
  • 有机的
  • Unrefined

This premium quality oil comes from farms in West Africa. It has multiple nutritive benefits and various uses. Although it’s a food grade oil, it is mostly used to make skin care products. This high-quality red palm oil is used by soap makers around the world.


  • 有机的
  • Refined
  • 起源于南美洲

Approved by USDA, Royal Garden’s palm oil is the premium quality product to use in the kitchen. It is completely organic and packed with nutritive ingredients, such as维生素E.和β-胡萝卜素。公司是著名的for making excellent cooking oils, but their palm oil is definitely one of the best.

Palm Oil – Select, Buy, and Store


  • 棕榈油 - 也称为红棕榈油,它是棕榈树果实的油。
  • 棕榈仁油 - 它来自水果的核。虽然它有其好处,但它并不像纯棕榈油一样健康。另一方面,它更便宜


You can buy palm oil in the local grocery stores or online. It has a pretty long lifespan and it can last for up to 3 or 4 years. As for storing, you can simply store it in a kitchen cabinet. The oil is solid at room temperature, but if you have hot summers, you might think about putting it in the fridge. That way it will remain solid and you will be able to use it without dripping and leaving possible stains.

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Meenakshi Nagdeve, Co-Founder, Organic Factsis a health and wellness enthusiast and is responsible for managing it. She has completed the营养和健康生活康奈尔证书课程, Cornell University, US. She holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Management from IIM Bangalore and B. Tech in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science from IIT Bombay. Prior to this, she worked for a few years in IT and Financial services. An ardent follower of自然病变,她相信用食物治愈。在她的空闲时间,她喜欢旅行,品尝不同类型的茶。

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