Lip-smacking Homemade Shawarma Recipe

bySakina Kheriwalalast updated -

何时选择中东主菜,如何不包括Shawarma?这个辉煌的黎巴嫩创作应该得到自己的名声。它的多汁味道meat或牛肉和酱汁,pickle,和薯条制作一个惊人的组合。而且,想象一下1mantbex 酱汁和炸薯条,使它成为一个有益健康的饭菜。口水,不是吗?

What is Shawarma?

Shawarma is agourmetsandwich found in Middle Eastern restaurants infused with a variety of flavors and leaves you craving for more. We guarantee you won’t be able to stop at just one. The method of grilling vertical stack of meat pieces and shredding it off appeared in the 19th-century Ottoman Empire, what is now known as火鸡,以赠送者kebab的形式。这种食物,这就是那么多Mediterraneanas it is Middle Eastern, has chunks of marinated meat mounted on a large rotating spit and roasted to perfection against a gas-burning grill.


虽然Shawarma是用薄片切片的肉类准备 -, beef, mutton, or turkey, our personal favorite is chicken shawarma. Making traditional chicken shawarma requires well-marinated chicken, layered on the vertical spit where it’s slow-roasted for hours – in itsjuices和脂肪 - 直到完全柔软和煮熟。为了服务它,厨师通常会剃掉一层唾液和唾液到皮塔饼面包,用薯条爵士乐,veggies,和tops it up with heaps ofgarlicsauce to give you the heavenly goodness!

Trust us, chicken shawarma is the epitome of seductive Middle Eastern flavors. The good news is we’ve found an easy way to make it at home with guaranteed authentic flavor.

A cut kebab, shawarma, with grilled meal and vegetables

Grilled Chicken Shawarma Recipe

课程: Appetizer, Main Course
菜式: 地中海,阿拉伯,中东
Keyword: 鸡沙瓦玛,沙瓦玛
Appliance: 烤箱,烤盘
Prep Time: 15分钟
煮熟时间: 50分钟
Total Time: 1小时5分钟
Servings: 8
作者: Sakina Kheriwala


  • 8boneless chicken thighsskin


  • 1/2cupmalt vinegar
  • 1/4cupplain yogurt
  • 1TBSP.vegetable oil
  • 去尝尝盐和胡椒
  • 1/4TSP.新鲜地面豆蔻
  • 1TSP.allspice powder
  • 1TSP.Shawarma调味料

For the sauce

  • 1/2cup芝麻酱
  • 1/4cupplain yogurt
  • 1/2TSP.garlic剁碎
  • 2TBSP.柠檬汁
  • 1TBSP.olive oil
  • 1TBSP.fresh parsleychopped
  • 去尝尝盐和胡椒

For plating

  • 4medium番茄
  • 1/2cup洋葱切片
  • 4生菜
  • 8pita bread rounds


  • In a glass baking dish, mix together malt vinegar, 1/4 cup yogurt, vegetable oil, mixed spice, cardamom, salt, and pepper.
  • 将鸡肉大腿放入混合物中,然后转动均匀涂抹在两侧。在冰箱中覆盖并腌至少4小时或过夜。
  • Preheat the oven to 350℉ (175℃).
  • In a small bowl, mix together the tahini, 1/4 cup yogurt, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, and parsley.
  • Season with salt and pepper, taste, and adjust the flavors. Cover and refrigerate.
  • 涵盖了气cken and bake in the marinade for 30 minutes. flipping once.
  • Uncover, and cook for an additional 5 to 10 minutes, or until chicken is browned and cooked through.
  • 从这道菜移除,切块。
  • Place sliced chicken, tomato, onion, and lettuce on pita bread.
  • 卷起,顶部有丁尼酱。


You can also serve the chicken marinade in a garlicky, buttery naan, or as a whole wheat pita wrap.
为蔬菜ans out there, do not be sad. You can definitely make your cool version of shawarma replacing the meat with mushroom, soy chunks, or tofu, and have your vegan shawarma ready in minutes.

What to do with Leftover Chicken?

您可以使用剩余的鸡腌料并将其纳入沙拉,炒rice,甚至是一个健康的米饭。做你的recipes通过尝试不同的酱汁和蔬菜进行有趣。这样,您可以避免在口袋里烧洞并发现新食谱。 Protection Status

悉尼麦格理大学的新闻研究生,Sakina Kheriwala是有机事实的内容作家,以及对健康和健康充满热情的狂热博主。她的博客“一个千禧一代”描绘了她对写作的无与伦比的热情,特别是在心理健康上。她认为阅读和写作是免费的和有用的疗法。在她的业余时间,她将被发现阅读书籍,社交和听到深情的音乐。萨基纳已完成在线电子证书课程“积极的精神病和心理健康” from The University of Sydney, Australia.

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