Poppy种子茶已经消耗了数千年的益处,包括缓解疼痛,舒缓神经的能力,预防胃痛,降低blood pressure并改善情绪。所说,罂粟籽茶是非常争议的,因为罂粟种子也用于制造鸦片,活性成分是强大的化学品,当定期消耗时可能具有上瘾。
如果你想制作罂粟种子茶那do so with extreme caution并且不定期使用茶。每周1-2个是推荐金额的最大建议金额,并且在准备茶时非常小心,就使用的量和浓度茶本身。
Health Benefits of Poppy Seed Tea
Despite the risks associated with this tea, there are also many health benefits when it is consumed responsibly and in small amounts, including better心健康,压力水平降低,镇痛作用,治疗腹泻和促进心情。
It is important to note that this tea does have narcotic properties, owing to the two types of alkaloids found in the seeds –菲比菲和苄基异喹啉。前者是吗啡和可待因来自吗啡,这些化学品将与体内的阿片受体粘合,提供下面列出的大多数福利。当消耗过于频繁,或者在浓度过高时,罂粟籽茶可能是令人上瘾的,甚至致命的,类似于海洛因或止痛药过量。
For those who want to responsibly use poppy seed tea, it can effectively deliver a number of health benefits.
罂粟籽茶中发现的精神活性化合物可以通过放松肌肉和肌肉来提高您的心情。与许多强大一样止痛药那it can provide a sense of euphoria or pleasure, which can eliminate抑郁症发作并提供积极性的爆发。
罂粟种子茶的主要功能是止痛药,这就是为什么吗啡和可待因均来自该植物。如果您在手术,伤害或延长的疾病之后患有痛苦,或经常经历慢性疼痛,则这种阿片类药物衍生物可能有一个强大的analgesic effect。
Blood Pressure
如果您是,罂粟籽茶中发现的化合物可以调节您的肠道运动与腹泻挣扎。在那些与正常排便,这茶can occasionally causeconstipation那which is yet another reason why this tea should be consumed in careful moderation.
罂粟种子茶是一个强大的镇静剂,所以,如果你患有失眠或其他睡眠障碍,那茶可以偶尔 -home remedythat delivers an undisturbed night of sleep.
罂粟籽茶Side Effects
罂粟籽茶,如提到above, is a narcotic substance, and should be used and prepared with extreme caution. In small, infrequent amounts, the tea can help with certain aspects of health, but if consumed regularly, it can cause you to become addicted. Some of the side-effects that people suffer include:
- 头痛
- Stomachaches
- 睡意
- 头晕
- 长期使用会导致瘙痒,烦躁,恶心,呼吸道issues andconstipation
- 摄入量高量会导致昏迷,并且甚至是致命的。
There are many other草本茶on the market that have similar effects and do not cause physical or psychological addiction. Unless you are trained in preparation and only plan to occasionally consume this tea, choose another option for your natural health goals. It is also critical that you speak with a trained physician before adding poppy seed tea to your health regimen, as it can negatively interact with other medications and may加剧健康状况。罂粟种子茶不应被视为固化阿片类成瘾的手段;它只是一种不同,合法,易于使用的这些危险药物。