Elecampanewas beloved by the Celts and revered by the Romans, making this distant cousin ofsunflowerone of the world’s oldestherbal medicines.
What is Elecampane?
Elecampane(Inula helenium)is一个大的, woody plant that is a member of the sunflower family. It is commonly known as horse heal or elfdock and is native to Europe and Asia. Historically prescribed as adigestivetonic, it is also famously used to flavor absinthe andvermouth,在各种其他应用中。
There are many benefits of elecampane, including the following.
- 它是一个祛痰和反inflammatory能够平息咳嗽,感冒和哮喘。在19世纪,Elecampe是一个popularimmunostimulatory ingredient in cough drops and cough syrups for this exact reason.
- Elecampane has been used since the days of the ancient Greeks as a tonic to aiddigestion, and itsantibacterialqualities make it a common treatment for腹泻and nausea.
- Various parts of this plant are also popularly used as an anthelmintic, killing worms and ridding the system of infestations.
- It hasantimicrobialproperties and isused to缓解respiratoryconditions such as支气管炎.
- 这种草本是一种轻微的兴奋剂,被认为是骨盆和骨盆和menstruation.
- 它具有轻微的利尿症性质,并被认为是特别有助于感染泌尿系统的感染。

The many uses of elecampane include the following:
- Elecampe的根茎或根部是最常用的药物的部分。
- The dried root may be eaten by itself, chewed to release the compounds, or administered as a tincture or liquid extract.
- Atea可能是从根本中制作的,它也是一个流行的香精油.
Side Effects
It can have a few side effects, including the following: