Papaya Leaf: Benefits & How to Use

by约翰Staughton(BASC,BFA)last updated -

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有两种使用方法很多papayaleaf for your overall health, but before adding this nutrient发电厂to your diet, it’s best to understand what it’s all about.

What is Papaya Leaf?

Papaya leaf is the leaf of the papaya tree, scientifically known as Carica papaya, which can be found in tropical regions of the Americas. The fruit of this tree is considered an exotic delicacy and has a wealth ofnutrientsantioxidants. However, the leaves of this tree are also quite impressive and are commonly used in both medicinal and culinary uses. Thanks to the high浓度of papain等独特enzymes, as well as various植物营养素和抗氧化剂,这些叶可用于多种疾病的一个很好的补救措施。

Close up of fresh, ripe halved papaya with seeds and papaya leaf on a wooden table

Papaya and papaya leaf Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Papaya Leaf Health Benefits




The enzymes present in these leaves also help to do the following:

Women also use these leaves to minimize menstrual pain and other symptoms, such as mood swings and fatigue. Lastly, these leaves are known to affect thecirculatorysystem andboost血小板水平,这是非常重要的,如果你的身体抵抗infection.

How to Use Papaya Leaves?

有几个关键的方法来使用木瓜叶,如在形式teaor a juice, or the leaves can be prepared into a face mask or a soothing salve. Papaya leaf juice isparticularly popular,虽然它确实需要相当多的叶子制成,营养密度和味道鲜美使它值得的。叶子通常不直接食用,但提取物往往更多浓缩药用效果移除。

Papaya Leaf Side Effects


  • Allergic reactions
  • Complications ofpregnancy

研究量不足已经做了这片叶子上孕妇和哺乳母亲的影响,所以一般应避免。此外,如果你有一个allergyto papaya fruit, then you will also experience allergic reactions to the leaf, such as stomach upset and topical inflammation, when applied. Protection Status

约翰Staughton是旅行作家,编辑,从伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳 - 香槟分校的大学(美国)的出版商和摄影师用英语与整合生物学学位。他共同创办文学刊物,警长诺丁汉,现在充当Stain'd艺术,总部设在科罗拉多州丹佛市的非营利性的网站的内容总监。在对家的想法永远的旅程,他使用的话教育,鼓励,隆起和发展。

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