TDAP During Pregnancy: Risks & Side Effects

by约翰Staughton(BASC,BFA)last updated -

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There is a lot of debate about getting TDAP duringpregnancy, as it is a powerful vaccine that can noticeably change the body’s chemistry and even be passed along to your infant. However, it is also one of only two commonly recommended vaccines to get during pregnancy, as it can have a number of important benefits for both mother and child. Before getting this vaccine booster, it is best to understand the purpose of the shot, any potential risks, and specific side effects that you may experience.

TDAP Vaccine During Pregnancy

TDAP stands for Tetanus,Diphtheria和百日咳,三个卫生条件给予当疫苗可预防。这种疫苗被认为是加强针的母亲在怀孕期间有意推荐因为一些antibodiescan, therefore, be passed onto the unborn child. In the first two months of a child’s life, their immune system is particularly susceptible to certain viral and菌linfections. By getting this vaccine during your pregnancy, you can fill in thisgap ofvulnerability in your child’s life, preventing them from developing those conditions, specifically pertussis.

Also known as百日咳, pertussis poses a high risk to newborn infants, and can often be fatal to children in their first year of life. While many adults have beenvaccinated针对这种疾病,免疫力会降低随着时间的推移,目前仍有成千上万的每一年这个条件的案件。通过确保您未出生的孩子已经接种 - 除了所有的家庭成员谁还会来与宝宝亲密接触 - 你可以保护你的孩子从这个潜在的致命infection. Roughly 10 infants die from whooping cough each year in the United States alone, and hundreds more are hospitalized.

A pregnant woman looking serenely at her belly, while a doctor prepares a Tdap shot

A Tdap vaccine is very safe for pregnant women and their babies, according to the CDC. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Experts agree that this vaccine should be administered during the thirdtrimester你怀孕的,因为大多数胎儿的发育已经发生,和宝宝主要是体重增加。的负面效果所造成的疫苗的机会,即使在最小的多the孕晚期 - 虽然他们也是怀孕的剩余时间内相当低。

妇女应他们的每一个怀孕的过程中得到了TDAP助推器,如果他们想的是要注意重要沿着通抗体每一个孩子。妇女较多的家庭往往关注多个助推器的任何额外的风险,但没有证据表明,越来越每年一次加强针的平均有任何负面影响。有没有活in the TDAP vaccine, so it is not possible to be infected with whooping cough as a result of疫苗接种.



正如上面提到的,还有一个更为严重的风险离开你的孩子接触到这种感染在其前两个月的生活,前他们能get their own DTaP vaccine. This vaccine is administered for children between 2 months and 6 years of age. Getting this vaccine after you are born actually increases your chances of serious side effects, rather than having the antibodies be passed to the child during pregnancy.



Adults’ bodies are also more able to handle the vaccine than young children, where the side effects can be much more severe. If you wait to have the DTaP vaccine after your child’s second month, not only will you be exposing the baby to a heightened risk of pertussis, but also increase their chances of uncomfortable side effects, including vomiting, large-scale swelling, and redness, days of fussiness,sleeplessness, soreness, and发热.

Word of Warning

之所以出现了近年来关于TDAP疫苗这么多争论是全球反疫苗接种运动最近已经获得了牵引力。这是一个不被绝大多数谁有资格做出判断疫苗的科学家支持的危险运动。最近在世界各地不同国家的百日咳复苏是由于这种不负责任的新哲学或poorly-based belief inautism通过疫苗接种所引起。

Whooping cough and many other illnesses that young children are vaccinated against are often life-threatening, so the best course of action for the health of you and your baby is to simply get a TDAP vaccine during your third trimester. Protection Status
About the Author

约翰Staughton是旅行作家,编辑,从伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳 - 香槟分校的大学(美国)的出版商和摄影师用英语与整合生物学学位。他共同创办文学刊物,警长诺丁汉,现在充当Stain'd艺术,总部设在科罗拉多州丹佛市的非营利性的网站的内容总监。在对家的想法永远的旅程,他使用的话教育,鼓励,隆起和发展。

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