梅鹿汁富含抗氧化剂,尤其是有机的。伟大的健康是建立在保持一切平衡的基础上的。梅鹿汁含糖量低。(是的!)我在做关于健康的演讲时用了这个比喻。并不是越多越好。鲑鱼对你有好处。但是一天吃20条鱼并不比吃一条鱼好。20 . fish会淹没人体的消化系统。葡萄酒也是如此。 More is not better. One glass is excellent. Two is pushing the limits. Three is too much because wine contains alcohol and the potential damage that accompanies consuming too much alcohol outweighs the benefits of the antioxidants. Great health is based in balance. I hope this response is helpful. Enjoy your wine.